in Steem Ghana3 years ago


Hello wonderful steemians, Good afternoon!!! I will like to take you through some proper ways we can write nice posts in the diary game and my town in 10 pictures and also taken you through some markdowns on the #steem-ghana community.

Helping steemians to write quality posts should be of a major concern. We have an obligation as steemians and we have to instill it, so that in future we may be so proud of ourselves that we have wonderful posts.

Before I proceed, let me say a big hello to my fellow #club5050 #club75 #club100 initiatives and those who are working assiduously in order to ensure that our community grows.

First and foremost , let us see how #thediarygame can be written well so that people will be attracted to our post.

  • Heading or title is one essential element when writing #thediarygame. Titles are a summary of whatever we have in our content. A reader should understand our write ups immediately he/she reads the title. It should be catchy and well punctuated. Let us have one example of a proper way of writing it.

1. Heading/title of #thediarygame


  • Naming of pictures
    A writer must make sure that he/she names his/her pictures well. This will help the reader to best understand,move along with the writings and enjoy your activities.


2. Writing #mytownin10pics

  • A reader will better understand you when you name your post very well. It helps us to easily identify your town and location.

For example:


  • Pictures must be named so that the reader will easily enjoy or love your town.You can also use google map to help your reader know your location.

For example:


-Since it is ten pictures you are taking. Make sure you number your pictures very well.For easy assessment and reading.

  • If there is something small you would want to write about your town, it should be written but done in brief.

Reading over post

As a good writer, your posts must be clear and transparent so that a reader may not be confused. After writing, make sure you read over your write-up in order to rectify the mistakes you make when writing. This makes you a good writer. We all love good things so make sure you present go things. Taking beautiful pictures is a plus to you. It makes your post catchy.

Using Markdowns

One of the major components of having a good post is arranging your post in a beautiful way. Make sure that your post is spaced out beautifully. These markdowns can help:

  • You can center your post when you use. The items seen before and after is what turns the post to center.


    Which will appear:

It is very important to note that despite the loopholes we fine in those textbooks they are still the same when we treat them using the right grammatical expressions.

We easily understand boy to be singular (one boy) and boys to be plural(more than one) but our explanations for learn and learns when used as a verb have no explanation to be either singular or plural . Therefore singularity and plurality attach only subjects or nouns but not verbs.

  • If you want to space your work for easy reading you can use. This is what we refer to as justifying text.


Which will appear:

It is very important to note that despite the loopholes we fine in those textbooks they are still the same when we treat them using the right grammatical expressions.

We easily understand boy to be singular (one boy) and boys to be plural(more than one) but our explanations for learn and learns when used as a verb have no explanation to be either singular or plural . Therefore singularity and plurality attach only subjects or nouns but not verbs.

  • If you will want your writings to be in bold and slanted, you may decide to use these asterisks(***) before and after the word you want.

For example:


Which will appear
The boy sings beautifully.
The boy sings beautifully.

  • Same way hashtag +space before the words, make them bold.
    For example:


    Which will appear:

The boy sings beautifully

The boy sings beautifully.

The boy sings beautifully.

  • A dash(- before and after the words without spacing makes it slanted.
    For example:

    Which will appear:
    The boy sings beautifully.
    The boy sings beautifully.
  • hashtag +space +dash before and after the words makes them slanted and bold.The dash shouldn't be spaced.


Which will appear:

The boy sings beautifully.

The boy sings beautifully.

  • To avoid plagiarism, reference the source you pick or lift your material from. After taking the link, this markdown can assist you.


Which will appear as:

So when you click the source, it will send you to where the material was taken from.

I hope you have learned something from my presentation. Let us endeavor to produce quality posts. In an effort to improve #club5050 #club75 #club100 initiative, let us do our necessary powerups and write quality posts.

I will be very happy to see you grow on the #blockchain. Thank you to you for your time and patience.


@juzkid loves you.

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