CONTEST ENTRY: [#CLUB100] || 26-03-2022 || How Steem Has Improved Upon My Life Is An Individual || [#club100💪]

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Steemit World lovers 🥰

Greetings! Good things come to us and they stay with us forever and the impact they have on our lives, they form indelible reforms on us. They are not like fake love to elope. Whenever there is a call for it, though some are stuck in history, yet they excavate to the present and become historical presents. Also, because of their attributes and complements on us, we are forced to preach about them. Verily, I cannot forget to be grateful for the invaluable contributions and lasting improvement steemit has had on my life.



In this post, I would crave your indulgence to submit my entry on the contest question that needs attention How steemit has improved on my life as an individual. Submitting on this topic, I would use the various activities on the platform to share with you the impact steemit has had on me. It is very true that steemit is a network platform that connects friends and families from far and near distances on a single discourse community across the globe. In their connection they share personal, educative and other discourse information for others to enjoy. Peruse through my entry fellow steemians.


Before I move on to my points. The most germane improvement steemit has had on my life is that, it has buried me into the network of savings. How amazing? Steemit has taught me to save through the various club initiatives by the steemitblog. It has improved on my patience ,made me to save alot and has magnetise my yearning prowess to saving. This is because, with the strictness leadership has placed on the initiatives it makes me apt, continuously powerup in order to ensure savings which has brought me this far. Always meeting up with the computations has become inherit. Due to this, I haven't done any cash out since day one of finding steemit. Truth be said, steemit has instilled the habit of savings in me. Let me use this great opportunity to save a big HELLO to all club initiative promoters. Keep saving up.


First, through diary games, I've gotten to know the interest, skills, culture and life of people. What they do as their daily activity and what they dislike about life they write in their posts. Reading them, I adapt with the needed once to help shape my life and learn from the errors people commit. Is it not wonderful? It is good that one understands the interest of people and how to relate with them anytime you come in contact with them. Steemit has opened a network to learn about the skills others are interested in without travelling to areas. Steemit makes the world a global village in that, you can feel the climate and weather that exists in an area or country. It has connected me to people I do not know and to families and friends. Steemit has taught me how to relate with people in other countries. Since we all are pursuing education, the platform has made me well found through diary games. I am able to connect with people, share their plight and make merry with them whenever they are making merry. Anytime I am solitude, steemit becomes my friend in that, I share and have contact with people so easily.


Also, through my town in ten pictures , I have been able to relate with the environment of people far and near and enjoyed the congenial taste of their climate. What is amazing is, with the what3words application. I am able to connect with areas, which is a tip on the iceberg on the platform. Amazing pictures have language and they speak, through steemit I have enjoyed geographical environment of people and have loved areas and I am yearning to visit those places always. What3words application has taught me how to navigate to find the exact location people take their pictures from. This is amazing that one wouldn't get lost anywhere when he or she knows this application.


Steemit has improved upon my writing skills and made me an avid reader. Why so? I believe that good write-ups attractive concerns. I have tried and tested that and it works. It has improved my researching skills, my writing abilities, my acquisition skills and my reasoning prowess. I am a writer. At first, I couldn't find where to keep my writing records . Due to this, a lot of my works have faded and flown into tin air. Finding steemit, I know I can keep my records safe. Therefore, it has made me zealous and an avid writer and reader. Steemians here are very supportive and their comments and suggestions energises me and pushes me to research more, excavate a lot of information, write quality, get a lot for myself and feed my community with the useful and required information.


Steemit has improved on my approach to duty. If I know I do have to write quality posts for my friends and lovers and at the same time, I have students to teach, then I have to multitask in order to meet up with all of them. It has made me smart, quick and industrious. I personally see that in how I attended to duty.


I wouldn't write at length, but would like to end here in order not to mar and bore you. But in the areas of health, life, science, agriculture , nutrition, culture, travels etc. With this new initiatives for curators to vote these areas, I have found and read a lot from erudite colleagues. And acquired alot to improve my intuitive horizon.


To end, let me be grateful to some individuals. To the leaders of this platform, your mantra of relevance needs a big applaud👏. I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to @steemcurator01. Words cannot be enough to say thank you. For you have believe and trust my passion. I will be forever grateful. To my Nigerian lovers and families @ruthjoe @chiomzy to mention but a few, my Ghanaian supporters and to all steemians across the globe. Your support and cooperation has made me love steemit to date. And to all club initiative promoters, more grease, more power to your elbows 💪. The most outrageous crime is ungratefulness, therefore I have to be grateful to all and sundry.


Thank you for your time, attention,love and support. Let us join hands and be congruous in order to make this community the best place to live.

@nattybongo 👍


I dedicate this post specially to all steemians who believe in good initiatives.

Written and posted by @juzkid

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With love ♥️ @juzkid

 2 years ago 

This is great, lucid and captivating. Indeed steemit has improved upon your life after reading through this post. I like this part " Let's join hands and be congruous in order to make this community the best place to live". Thanks for sharing friend @juzkid

 2 years ago 

You are welcome. Let's steem together

 2 years ago 

Aww i feel emotional now! Thank you and thank you

 2 years ago 

You are welcome dear

It is great to see how much of an impact steemit has had in your life friend. I am happy to see how much you have evolved on the platform as well. Steem on.

 2 years ago 

I am glad to be here. Thank you to everyone. Thank you all for your support. Let's steem together.

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