#club100 💪💪 || Betterlife || The Diary Game || 17-06-2022 || Invigilating Last CRS Paper For Form One, Attending To My Master On Duty Role || what3wordscompass || #club100 💪💪

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Hello Family


Trust you are all fine and dandy. The conducive atmosphere today gives me the strength to share with you today. I am fine. I have great conviction that this post finds you in good health and happiness. How has your steem-life been? I am confident that you are always ensuring you power up to stay relevant on the blockchain and to improve the steem economy.


@juzkid, A Master On Duty


Today is Friday and it ends the working week. But today is the last paper the form ones have to write. They are actually vacating today. I have an invigilation today and a master on duty as well.


@juzkid leaving House



At School Entrance


Waking up today, I realized I overslept a little, but I was up by 5:45am. I quickly performed my early morning routines (brushing, exercising and bathing). I didn't take that a long time to exercise, because I realize I was getting late for school. Prior to today, I ironed all my shirts I would wear, so dressing didn't take a long time. After putting on my belt, I hearded towards school. On the road, I realized that it wasn't that busy. Students were not walking on the road.


@juzkid At Staff Room



Signing Attendance


I am a master on duty as well for this week. Immediately I got to school, I went to check their classrooms to make sure that they are tidy.


@juzkid On Campus


Immediately the bell was rang for the exams. Today, students are writing CRS whilst others are writing Business management. My name was part of the invitation.


Invigilating Students


I then went to the examination room to pick my scripts and went to the classroom. I am now at the 1A3 classroom invigilating CRS. They started at exactly 8:03am. They will be using 1hour and 30minutes for the paper.

Thank you for your time.

Best Regards
 2 years ago 

Story of my life, I was attending vacation classes in another school and this lady pulled me along to her CRS class while I had a Chemistry class to attend. What can I say, one for the lady abi😅😅. But it was fun and interactive getting exposed to in-depth religious practices

 2 years ago 

Memories indeed. Thank you for visiting

Are you sure the last student was actually going to write something looking at her posture

 2 years ago 

You know students but they comported themselves

 2 years ago 

You are doing very well. Your students will always remember your commitment and hard working. Your pictures look very sharp, great content. Thank you for sharing

Best teacher !
Keep it up

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