Some facts about HIV (human immunodeficiency viruse)

in Steem Ghana2 years ago
When you hear the word HIV what comes to your mind, some might say " it's better I die, what am I living, no joy again"

But does HIV end it all?
Let's see some ignoring facts about HIV.

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What is HIV

HIV which means human immunodeficiency virus that affect the potential cells of the body thereby making the body vulnerable in fighting other infections and diseases.
The body is created with immune system that fights any disease that comes to the body so HIV kills this immune system and if care is not taking the body will die because the body can't get rid of HIV.

What are some signs and symptoms of HIV

Some signs and symptoms of HIV are

  • Some experience stomach ache
  • Pain can occur while swallowing or chewing
  • Some may develop dry Cough
  • Some may experience sweating too much, malaria, fatigue, fever, loss of appetite,
  • Some may experience nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea with watery stool.
  • In some cases they experience mouth ulcers with white tongue
  • In most cases they have frequent headache, pneumonia and skin rash, swollen lymph nodes.


Note all this signs becomes more severe as days passes by and the virus keeps killing more cells that should fight for the body.


Mood of transmission

During the recent years of HIV people were so much afraid to eat with a HIV patients or do anything with them, but with time science and technology helped us to see some facts about HIV transmission.

HIV can only be transmitted through body fluids of a person that has HIV, fluids like pre-seminal fluids, blood, breast milk, semen, rectal fluids and vaginal fluids.
Hiv can only be transferred through blood connections like sex, using the same razor blades, and the same injection syringe.

Do HIV kill?

Yes just like any other sickness can take ones life if appropriate care is not taking so do HIV too, but when an immediate action is taking a patient with HIV lives longer and healthy.

How to cope with HIV

Many people die not as a result of HIV but as a result of fear and anxiety, some are too proud to be a HIV carrier, some also die due to misinformation about the circumstances.

Well the fact still remains that a HIV carrier can live longer than even a healthy person if taken good care of, just like every other sickness like asthma, diabetes, heart disease and so many disease requires daily medical care, so do HIV need medical care.

  • When a HIV patients follow doctors direction he or she will live long.

  • Engaging on daily exercise can also help the person to improve in both heart and mind.

  • Self love is very important, love yourself and take good care of yourself on daily basis, keep a healthy daily routine.


No challenge is easy to deal with, but if we always try our best in following instructions, keeping a healthy daily routine then it will be easier.
More to that never isolate someone dealing with a type of health challenge because it will make the person feel more sad.


That was good education, thank you for sharing with the house.

 2 years ago 

Keep sharing with us friend. It is good to be always educated.


 2 years ago 

HIV seems to be gone but it is still around the corner taking a lot of life. I hope people can still abstain from it.

HIV is everywhere, it just because there is a way to help those who came in contact and lives are not lost again because of due medical attention.

 2 years ago 

Alright dear.

Thanks for sharing

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