Look Good, Smell Good

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Some individuals think that those that dress well, those that look good perhaps lavish would be a word that may fit this category and smell amazing are those who are only rich, those who are wealthy, those who have achieved exceedingly in life, because of which they do not make much effort for themselves.

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Looking good or smelling good is not something that is a prerequisite for the wealthy, it is normal and shouldn't even involve or demand much for one to achieve that. As an individual, as a human being, you ought to want to have these two as part and parcel of you without anyone moving you to do that. How you look can even open doorways and opportunities for you.

Then also to smell good is not something that may necessarily require so many expensive things, staying hygienic would ensure that you smell good, you need only add a few things and you would be on top of the world. Make sure your deodorant smells good, get a nice perfume for yourself, and note it doesn't have to be so expensive, there are a lot of good products out there that ain't so exorbitant.


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Looking good and smelling good should be something every one of us should make a priority in our daily lives, you will be amazed at the things these two simple things can get you, the doors it would open for you, the friendships and other opportunities that would come your way as a result. And so the next time I meet up, I would certainly be expecting you to look amazing and smell amazing too.

 2 years ago 

It is absolutely necessary to look and smell good all the time. It’s attracts positive vibes everywhere one goes. That misconception that looking good is for only the rich draws a lot of people back

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 2 years ago 

This is very important for everyone to look and s good as your outward appearance also tells who you are and may help create great opportunities and chances for you. Thanks for this wonderful write up. Keep it up

 2 years ago 

Looking good and smelling good and very important and as you said can open doors for each individual. Guys you know that it was in the past that we use to say that it is females who have to look good and smell good. it is now time for all to do so.

Excellent writing and thanks very much.

But on top of everything you should get a nice deodorant
There you will smell gud

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