Be careful What You Wish For

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

There is power all around us, in our thoughts and in our words, what we believe or doesn't believe in has a lot of effect on us, physically, mentally, spiritually, our whole being of existence. As our forefathers use to say, it there was nothing out there in this world, there wouldn't be the need to lock the doors when sleeping.


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The things we say form our present and our future and you may take a look back at your life and realize that the things you said then may be what you are now, we have to be careful in everything we do in this life on this earth because you may not even realize that you are laying traps for your future self.

Be careful what you wish for as they say, because it might just come true, i know it probably goes against the other saying that if wishes were horses beggars might ride and the fact that the world we live in today is not fairy tale story but realities beyond our wants or wishes. But i still would like to draw you attention to something.


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And that's the fact that this world did not create itself neither did man and that the things therein are not without any forces or power whether you wanna take it from the perspective of the scientist or the religious. I just want you to be mindful of the things you ask for in your thoughts and in your words, because it might just happen.

 2 years ago 

What ever you think about is likely to happen and what you do is what you think about. Keep on sharing.

 2 years ago 

Thank you

Thank you for sharing with us. Keep on posting good contents, Steem on.

 2 years ago 

Thank you too

Thank you for sharing with us. Keep on sharing good contents with us.

 2 years ago 

Thank you

 2 years ago 

Steem on always, but remember to vote with the power you have and share your diary with us.


Well, what we wish for sometime do come to reality and so we should always wish for the best. Thanks for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Yes indeed

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