The Dairy Game: (05/01/21)- My Tuesday Activities // Work Day // Fun Day

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Hello steemians,

How is everybody doing today? I hope everything is fine? I am today again to give a dairy game.

Today I woke up to a very bad mood. I didn’t feel like going to work. In fact I decided I wasn’t going to work. But one or two people had held up on me and I couldn’t resist. I have to go to work on these days to cut their hair.

I received phone calls from several of them. It was when I realized I really have to make it to work. So I got up from bed and prepared my self for work. Before I left home I just tidied up my room a lil bit because I like to come home to a neat and sound room.

When I got to work non of my clients had arrived yet. There were some dirty towels inside the bucket, and since we were free and doing nothing I decided me and the apprentices to wash it before people start to come in. We went out and got the job done



        Washing towels

After we got done with the washing, several minutes later my clients started coming and I barbered them all. Later on during the day it got really boring. My friend came by the shop. She said he was headed to buy food, and afterwards he will go home.

Since it was boring in the salon I decided to also go home, I followed him to the place he was to buy the food. He bought his and bought mine too. We went to our house and we both ate. After eating we sat and talked for a while.

As we were in the room my sister came from town and ask me to go to town and some stuff for her. She forgot it in her friends shop. They were food items. I went with my friend and we got the item.


        On our way to town

When we arrived my sister gave us some bread. It wasn’t these regular bread. It was from Germany. It had this taste that I couldn’t explain but it just felt good in the mouth. Me and my friends, we ate a full bread without drink nor water just bread, I think this was because it was nice or something

After eating the bread. We stayed in the room till we fell asleep. We woke up in the evening and my friend then now decided to go home. He left and that was my day basically.



         Eating bread

Thank you so much for your time and patience.

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