in Steem Ghana2 years ago



Greetings everyone,

In this part of the world, we have a habit of keeping quiet about the wrongdoings happening right under our noses. The simple reason we are fond of giving is that, it is not our problem. We would rather "mind our own business than talk about that of other people which has nothing to do with us.

This mentality is wrong on every level. What is happening around us is our business. The reason is because, ones it has happened to your neighbour, the next person to likely suffer the same fate is you. This is why we need to come together to find solutions to all the social vices happening around us.

Various social vices seem to be happening everywhere around our country with no oversight. People in their various offices are abusing their powers with bribery and corruption. This has to stop. If we are our own watchdogs who check for these things, stuff like this will surely seize.

It is rather unfortunate that these days, when investigations are being carried out in rough neighbourhoods, people tend to be very adamant in providing information that would lead to the arrest of various culprits. They usually do so in fear of their lives so it is quite understandable.

We must wholeheartedly see to the wellbeing of the people in our various places of residence. This is achieved by working to defend each other's safety no matter the notion revolving around that. This is because, If we fear criticism, we will never get anything done.

Let's make our safety and wellbeing a priority and get rid of all forms of negtivity.


Our safety is top priority and everything other thing is secondary because in life, you can live once

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