GH-Contest Entry: Gender Disparity on Steemit; What Can Be Done

in Steem Ghana3 years ago (edited)

Kudos to the brains behind this contest for it is vital for every institution to think about it growth proportionately in other to make an impact that is celebrated by all. I believe the outcome of this contest or the aggregate of opinions shared can serve as a basis for further research to close the gender gap on Steemit and other blockchain networks.


With the little search i did online, i could not come across any data that on the steemit platform or else where, giving a breakdown of gender gap on Steemit not even in its granular form. However, data from other crypto related platforms indicates a huge inequality in terms of information, access and usage on these platforms. I believe Steemit like many crypto related platforms, is dominated by males which in my estimation would constitute about 97% of users. I extrapolate this percentages based on the numbers of users i have come across on Steemit who are usually males. Again, the day i sign-up to this platform, there was only one female among us(guys). These alone shows how females are under represented on the Steemit blockchain and others.

Reasons Females Are Underrepresent On Steemit

  • The negative associations and Time Constraints
    The negative connotations associated with crypto related trade as being scam and being used by money launderers makes it difficult for women to to explore the community since my their nature are not adventurous and risk takers. this is by no means to say that women are not good investors or cannot compete with their male counterparts. Women are careful in what ever they invest into and as such would not like to take the risk of being on a platform frost with misconceptions. Even though Steem is a social network, it still operates with the crypto format through decentralize reward system. However, it is difficult to tell people(females) that unlike other crypto networks, steem is more of a social platform like facebook.

Time constraints of women is another key factor that hinders their participation on Steemit, since one need more time to complete their achievement posts, understanding their keys and writing contents. The busy schedules of women coupled with their gender role ascribe to them by society makes it difficult for them to make enough time to be making posts all the time on the platform.

  • Low Women in STEM Related Fields
    The Science, Technical, Engineering and Mathematics field serves as the foundations of all these crypto platforms of which Steem is not an exception. But the truth is that, women are underrepresented in these fields making it difficult for other young women who are entrepreneurs to invest and enter into crypto related stuffs. This put women at disadvantage position compared to their male counterparts who are seen at the forefront of STEM education. The lack of knowledge force women not to adopt to platforms like steemit.

What Needs to Be Done

  • Steem promo targeting women through webinars
    I believe there should be a deliberate attempt on every member on the steem platform to promote the platform to women and this can be done well by the promoters on the platform. There should be bi-weekly webinar targeted at women particular the university and college students who can easily leverage on technology to serve as agent for other women to sign-up as well. image.png
    There can also be and award or a reward scheme in place to show gratitude to persons who are able to promote steem to a certain number of women within a time frame. Such promoters can then put in much efforts to get women on-board and not only that, but also guide them to understand the complexity of the platform.

  • Encouraging Women into STEM Education
    Women should be encourage to go into STEM education particularly, ICT which serves as the nexus for steem operations. This would serve as a role model to the up-coming ladies to adopt and emulate those they look-up to. The Nation as a whole should make conscious efforts to help women bridge the STEM gap to help motivate them to adopt platforms like STEEM.

To Conclude. I believe the STEEM platform is tool for bringing people together and thus, must be gender balance to promote the growth of society. No society can exist without the enormous contribution of its women. May we be able to bridge this gender disparity.
Thanks For Reading!!!

 3 years ago 

Well written bro.

 3 years ago 

Thanks snr!

 3 years ago 

My pleasure

Thanks very much for your entry. You really had a nice content.

 3 years ago 

Thank You

 3 years ago 

Thanks for the education

 3 years ago 

Thanks for reading too bro!

“This post has been rewarded by @oppongk from @steemcurator04 Account with support from the Steem Community Curation Project."

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