Taking Care of Your Health Eps 2

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

You health is your bussiness same way your happiness is your bussiness, Unless you make the effort starting from today to want to do the very best you can for yourself in terms of your health not much can be done by outsiders to help with that. We all have priorities and we tend to focus on what our priorities are in life.


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Which is why as individuals living in a world full of health conditions etc, it is important that we do well to make our health our priority, this way it would always be on top of the list and it would help guide our decisions to always do the very best for ourselves in terms of our health as we go through life.

Over the counter Drugs

If we seek to take good care of our health and always live and healthier life, then it is important that we learn to abolish the habit of over the counter drugs or medication. Most people will never go to the hospital to get the necessary or needed tests done, rather they would just walk to the nearest pharmacy and ask for a drug they read online based on their symptoms.


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Some people are even better, they make the effort to the tell the pharmacist what problems they may be facing which helps gear them towards a better medication or drugs for their symptoms. But this is not safe at all, it is very bad and it is important that we make efforts to do the right thing by going to the hospital or nearby clinic for the proper diagnosis and treatment.

The dangers of some of these acts is the fact we get used to certain drugs especially when it comes to antibiotics such that they are not able to work when we need them the most and the more we continue with such habits the more we put our lives in danger for more severe forms of infections which we are not even able to fight with medication because the needed drug may not even work anymore.

Reviews are Important

When we visit the hospital whether it may be because we are not feeling well and was treated or because we went for a general checkup and was asked to come back for a review, we have to take this serious. Reviews are the ways by which doctors get to know the feedback from patients and also how the various treatment or management protocols may be working so alterations can be made as the days goes by.


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A lot of people just forget to report themselves to the hospital again at the appointed time because they feel that they are fine or fit now and as such doesn't see the importance of need to bother. Others also just keep changing health facilities because the drug they were given may not be curing their symptoms or condition and so to them the doctor or the hospital is not a good one.

This is also not healthy because every new person starts afresh from your complaints etc, they hardly get the needed past data from other facilities to rely on and you end up taking in different drugs which may even end up interacting in a negative way towards your health. Stay with one health provider, they will refer you if need be and please do well to patronize your appointments it is for your own good.


I do hope that you enjoyed today's session too and that you are having a wonderful time. I thank you for reading and i wish you the very best in all aspects of your life especially your health.

 2 years ago 

Some people just waste Doctor's time. They don't follow instructions and do what pleases them. Most people are victim of this , the moment they feel ok , they stop visiting the hospital, hence no feedback to the doctor. Thank you for sharing friend

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