in Steem Ghana3 years ago

Greetings to all my colleagues on this platform. Today is another wonderful day with so many activities. Friday is the fith and last day of the working days. It is a special day for most workers because of it position in the week. During this day, workers go to work in thier numbers. Workers normally close early this day to allow those travelling far to get to their destination on time.

Friday is a special day for me because i teach in Islamic school. On Fridays, our school closes early for the moslem pupils and teachers to go to mosque and worship Allah. On Fridays, we close at exactly 12pm. As usual, i woke up early and did all my house chores like: sweeping, washing of cooking bowls and cleaning the washroom.



After the cleaning exercises, i took my bath and dress up to town to take a car to school. When i got to the taxi station, i went to a porridge seller called Mma Abiba and bought Porridge from her. I then went and sit in a taxi waiting for the driver to take off. When the taxi was full, it took off to Beposo where i teach.


@elliamor1 in a taxi to school

In the school, i went to my class and delivered my lesson. When it was closing, i took my bag and went home. When i got home, i undressed and went to the dinning to take my lunch. I finished eating and went to my room to watch some television programme.


@elliamor1 watching football match on tv

At 5:00pm, i went to town and bought some food items for the next day's meal. I took my bath at 6:00pm and went inside to watch television.

That was my diary for today.
Thank you all for your time.

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