A Poisoned Soul

in Steem Ghana3 years ago


Envy and jealousy play the drums,
And hatred now danced to the rhythm
This dance is wild and brutal,
And the wounds deep and fatal.

We had sung and danced together,
We plied the road of life together
In peace and harmony, we drank the cup of life
And broke and ate the bread of life.

Now the tree of discord stands firmly at the center
Now not even the sweetest memory can enter
With walls of disdain you barricade yourself
Hearing not even a word from myself.

With the tongue, the world was made
This was less felt than said
Till the friendship ship fell apart
With hatred and bitterness raging in the heart

Won't there be a pause to hear my story?
Perhaps it could quench your gory
These words are keen and wound so deep
I wish you leap from this nightmare-filled sleep

And take the truth, the antidote for lies
The venom that poisoned your soul
For with the fulfilled heart, the poisoner now flies
Give me a chance and heal your soul.


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 3 years ago 

Beautiful words, the chance to heal is something we seek hopefully one day we will find it

In no distance time... Amen!!!

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