in Steem Ghana3 years ago



A Word To The Wise Is Enough

This particular proverb is popular and equally most people knows about it. It can also be said in this form "A word is enough for the wise", i constantly heard and got to learn this proverb from my father who uses it as an instance when advising his children. Someone can claim to be wise but a simple derivatives given to him to achieve or attain a particular goal proves abortive.

Wise people don't need to hear too much of words before they can be able to put things to action. For it is only a foolish one that will hear as many words as possible and still dive into the wrong path. When a word is given, the wise grabs and quickly understands the direction of your speech.


Who Is The Wise In Question?

A wise person is he who is able to use his learned experience and knowledge in order to make sensible and reasonable decisions and judgments. He is an intelligent person who makes use of what he have to get what he wants. A person of such doesn't find it hard to achieve set goals and dreams.

No lots of discussion is needed for the wise to get your point or the direction you are going. Even the bible has lots of verse concerning this concept, it is a saying everyone should know in order to at once as God for the spirit of wisdom, because it us he who lacks wisdom that fails to understand a simple saying and seeks for maximum explanations.

Ecclesiastes 10:2
A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man’s heart directs him toward the left.

The bible have stated it plainly. Let a spoken word today be enough for you to take up action and make right decisions. Thank you!.


Thank you friends!


 3 years ago 

He who has ears, let them listen to what the Holy Spirit says😊

Yes 😌exactly
Thank you for visiting

 3 years ago 

Pellucid write-up. You have said something wonderful. A wise person learn from mistakes of others not mistakes he makes alone. He or she doesn't take long to heed to advice. Thank you for sharing. A nice picture you have in there. Keep sharing, my very good friend.

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