THE DIARY GAME: 27/03/2021 - Building the Lord's Church and Steem Ghana meeting

in Steem Ghana3 years ago

Today was a tiresome day for me as it has been On Saturdays recently due to the plan of putting up a new church building.

I woke up as early as 4:00 am today so I could partake in the church's dawn prayers every Saturday at 4:30 am. I've got to admit that, I've not always been punctual for the event due to a lot of factors.

The first of which is not getting enough sleep. As Friday nights mark the beginning of weekends, I tend to stay up late till 1:00 am before going to bed. As a result, I mostly feel reluctant to wake up for dawn prayers even if I set an alarm to wake me up.

My second reason has got to do with dogs within the vicinity. Since it's still dark when it's time for dawn prayers, dogs tend to bark at you always. Unfortunately, every household around my place seems to have a dog or two which sometimes gets pretty scary when it is dark.

Fortunately for me, Bruno(our dog) was around today to accompany me to the place of the meeting. Though it's rare to see it around at such times, it did come through for me this time around and I love him for that.

It is really fascinating how dogs communicate with each other. Through every turn, once a dog barks at me and Bruno barks back, they seem to understand each other. I sometimes make this dialogue between Bruno and the other dogs in my head:

Any Dog: Who dares to pass by here at this odd time. you better not be up to anything mischievous
Bruno's reply: Hey there. Cut him a slack. He's my best pal so please let him pass. 👍

In all, I was really glad to make it to dawn prayers today. The prayers ended by 5:20 am instead of the usual 5:30 am closing time. I rushed home quickly to take a nap before the real work began with the crow of the cock.


Adrianne's face was the first I saw which I woke up in the morning. She's the daughter of my landlady always cutely causing trouble though. For some reason, she gets startled and runs from me whenever I come near her which I fun really funny. All it takes is candy or water to get her by your side.


Adrainne staring at me

I quickly prepared myself for the work ahead, that is going to the church plot to join brethren to start building.
As an organizer, I was tasked to provide breakfast to everyone in the morning which I had already made arrangement for with the porridge seller at Kookotuu

On my way to Kookotuu's place to get the porridge I ordered last.

Once I got to the place, there were a lot of customers there as usual but I served as a priority since I had already booked an order beforehand.


At kookotuu's place

Right after taking our breakfast around, 8:30 am, to set to work. Today's work was primarily for raising pillars and concreting some part of the floor.

Because the budget was tight, we couldn't hire enough moulds for all the pillars at once so we had to work in parts, thus set the first set of pillars and wait for them to harden then remove the moulds and set another set.

We take breaks once in a while to get refreshment and lunch before the work came to an end
We finished our goal for the day at exactly 6:40 pm. I had to rush back home after work because I didn't want to miss the weekly Steem Ghana meeting at 7:30 pm every Saturday via telegram.


Once I got home and finished washing up, it was already 8:12 pm and the meeting had already started so I had to join the meeting late while taking my dinner at the same time.

The meeting's main agenda for today was on how to enlighten everyone on applying markdown to our post to make them a presentation. A lot of submissions were made and in the end, @njaywan volunteered to make a weekly post on markdown styles in the group for newcomers to learn

Questions and doubts about voting and curation were raised which some team members gladly explained to the satisfaction of everyone.

We also discussed a possible meetup on Easter which the community admins said they would make further deliberations on before the final verdict.

With the close of the meeting ended my activities for the day




What a wonderful day you had😉

 3 years ago (edited)

You played a role in it. God bless you

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