A visit to Kalijisa no.2 primary school in Sandema in the Upper East Region of Ghana to educate pupils on hand washing.
Hi friends,
We visited a primary school in Sandema to educate the pupils on hand washing using a simple made device called "tippy tap". It is made with a gallon and some woods and strings, and is so easy to use.
from the picture above, a pupil is being guided to demonstrate how to wash her hands properly using soap and water flowing from the tippy tap gallon. She is by the way the girl's prefect for the school and she is so adorable.
Kalijisa no.2 community is one of the less privilege communities in Sandema, they lack access to a proper basic health care since they do not have a clinic, and also, there is no electricity in the community. This is the more reason why it is imperative they practise good hygiene, and this starts off with hand washing.
Health is wealth, this is really true, SDGs number 3 can be achieve via our effort and discipline. To be able to enjoy the successes we make even on this platform, we need good health, let's all play our parts in achieving this goal.
Thanks for passing by. Shalom.
Health matters☺️
How thoughtful of you to construct a tippy tap for the school kids. SDGs aside, it is important to wash your hands regularly against Covid 19.
Yeah indeed...COVID 19 is real let's stay safe.
Nice of you giving back to the society. 👍