in Steem Ghana3 years ago (edited)

Hello to all steemians in this our noble community, its been a great pleasure to write this piece.
But before I commence I would like to give appreciation to the leaders on this community and all that made it to tonight's meeting. @njaywan, @oppongk, @head1, steem-ghana, @mcsamm. and also say kudos to them for initiating such a good meetings for discussions.


This weekly meeting started last week Sunday which was held on the 14/03/2021 at exactly 7pm and was our first meeting we had. This was initiated to help member of steem ghana community in discussions to the problems we have and also on how to improve this noble community.

On our first meeting, actually my telegram wasn't updated as a result I couldn't join the first audio meeting but was able to have the minutes of the meeting. Some of the agenda discussed last week were, how to progress on the blockchain technology, what went wayward within the community that week, what needs to be done within the community and how to plan ahead to improve the community.

Tonight's ,meeting was also held at exactly 7pm, and was lead by our noble leaders. Today's agenda was about an initiative which is almost and yet to be implemented. The initiative is called community developmental plan.


The leaders explained into details how the initiative would be done. It was explained that, every member would be given an opportunity to write an article(any article at all) to a special author, in which the author would edit and repost that article on steem ghana community and the curated reward that would be earned on that post, 10% of the earning would be given to you the one that brought the article first for publication.

I hope and see this as a very great opportunity for all and sundry on this noble platform, because this can help us all achieve some rewards everyday provided we submit article everyday. We should be very honored and grateful for being on this great platform as this great initiative is coming. Hurray to everyone.


After the initiative was fully discussed, the floor was opened for all members present in the meeting to ask questions regarding the initiative discussed and also outside the initiative as well. Many members stood up to ask questions including @head1, @michael and also @oppongk.

After all the questions were addressed by our great leaders on board, we had a brief summary by @mcsamm and we also came to a consensus on some changes to our meeting time.
After coming to a consensus, we all agreed to have our next and subsequent meetings on Saturdays at exactly 7:30 pm.

I encourage myself and everyone on this platform to join us on telegram and lets help support and grow this community.
Below is the link to our telegram group, lets try our possible best and join and share for others too to join as well.

Thank you to all and special appreciation to;

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