Club5050 - The Diary Game || My Monday Activities || Attending lectures, Participating in presentation, going to the gym and going to campus to prep at night

in Steem Ghana2 years ago


Greetings to all and sundry once again on this noble platform, I am here to write and share with you all how I spent my day. It’s been days since I shared with you all my daily activities and this is because of how busy and stressful we’ve been in school these days but I will do my best to remain active no matter the stress.

Morning Activities

As usual, I woke up early in the morning and performed ablution and then offered my Dawn prayers after which I took a nap because the weather was a little bit cold. After I got up from the nap, I then brushed my teeth and then went to the roadside to buy bread.

When I came back, I then prepared tea as my breakfast. After taking my breakfast we were having a presentation so I have to revive our slides before going to the class for the lecture. I did that for about an hour.

The class was at 9 am and by 8:45 am I was in the class. My group was the first to present on that day and when we were called we delivered our best after which questions were thrown back to us and we did justice to the questions as well.

After the presentation, the next class was at 3:40 pm so I went back to the hostel to have some rest before the time was due.

Afternoon Activities

At 12:45 pm we performed the Zuhr (noon prayers) after which I then went to buy food for lunch. I bought rice and beans (waakye) for lunch. After taking my lunch I came back to dress up and prepare for the next class which commence at 3:40 pm. But before I attended the class we performed the Asr prayer at 3:30 pm. After the prayers, we then set off and we got to the class at 4:45 pm there about.

After Presentation
The class was a one-hour lecture indicating that we will be closing at 4:40 pm. The lecture came early as well and he delivered within his stipulated time and we closed for the day.

After that class, we weren’t having any more lectures again so I quickly came back to the hostel and prepared for the gym. The gym opens at exactly 5:00 pm but due to the distance from our hostel to the place, we usually take about 15 to 20 minutes before we reach there.

We got there somewhere at 5:30 pm and we started with push-ups before lifting any metals (weight).

After the push-ups, I went to the bench workout so as to build my chest. I went for several reps and keeps on increasing the weight by decreasing the number of reps as well.

I wish that everyone starts to attend the gym and have good exercise to keep their body fit.

Evening Activities

After we closed the gym, I immediately came back to the hostel and took my bath and then fried yam as my supper meal.

After performing my night prayers I then changed my clothes and prepared for preps. I left the hostel for campus around 8:30 pm and immediately after I got there I wasted no time and then started with what I came there for.

I left campus around 11 pm and came back home to rest so I can wake up early for the next day's lectures.


On Our way to the GYM

It was really a stressful day for me but also interesting as well. I really enjoyed my day and I hope that you all enjoyed yours as well.

Thanks to all and sundry for reading and passing by my post.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for sharing your diary with us. Thank you for your time. Nice presentation if you ask me. Keep it up


 2 years ago 

You are welcome boss.

 2 years ago 

You have got an excellent day. I am glad your presentation was ok and how you together ate the food. Keep sharing

 2 years ago 

You are welcome bro, and thanks for passing by

 2 years ago 

It is a pleasure

Thank you for sharing with us. Keep posting on this platform.

Thank you for sharing with us

Thank you for sharing with us. Keep posting on the platform.

Thank you very much for sharing with the community. Keep sharing on this community.

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