||Cabbage nursery and land for planting Cabbage|| by @shahariar1, date :21/08/2021
🥀Hello everyone this is @shahariar1from bangladesh🥀
- I wish everyone good health in the beginning. Hope everybody is well
Those of you who live in Bangladesh know that in our country, like other countries, barrier copy is cultivated.
Cabbage usually grows well in loamy soils.
Today I will show you how to give cabbage seedlings.
What should be the bed of the tree.
- The seedlings cannot withstand heavy rains and scorching sun. So the seedlings have to be enclosed with polythene.
As a result, if there is more rain, there is no damage to the seedlings.
The seedlings have to be placed in a slightly higher place because if there is a higher place, water cannot flow there.
If water is tied at the base of the sapling, the sapling dies.
The tent works great to protect the saplings from the sun.
- If the sun falls excessively, it is necessary to water the seedlings frequently.
That is why beds should be made where water is available.
Before planting the seedlings, you have to prepare the land.
In the middle of the land, you have to keep a nice and smooth road so that you can walk in the middle of the crop.<\i>
I hope you like my post a lot.
I am concluding today's post with the wish that everyone will be much better.
All Picture Location
Best Regards: @shahariar1
To make the road and also to the advantage the special place for the seeds is higher, because when it rains it can flow in the middle of the road. nice way
Thank. You
Good work
Thank you
Great job dear. You create a beautiful post here
Thanks a lot