How Books Help you

in Beyond Event Horizon3 years ago (edited)


“Man would be miserable without the existence of libraries.”

Books have played the age-old role of pulling man out of the darkness of ignorance. It is this noble role that they have carried out through the years that makes them hold the significance they have till today.
No matter how much technology advances, or many inventions are made, books have no parallel. They are always available at any time of day, there to educate you and help you out in every step of the way no matter what your status, unlike the expensive and highly advanced gadgets of today.
The simplicity of books is another reason they can never be replaced. With just the use of mere paper, they can make your travel around the globe, take you back in history, teach you the ethics and ways of speaking and acting, and provide awareness to you regarding the life ahead.
Books are an inexhaustible source of information independent of era or area. They stick to a person’s mind, becoming inseparable from them like a best friend. Whether it’s a novel or an academic book from your school course, books always educate a person along with entertaining its reader.
Another advantage books have that can help us out at any stage of life is that this treasury is not technology dependent like the rest of our amenities. They can be used even in rural areas for use where advanced technology is unavailable.
Some things are just irreplaceable, like the original books written by legendary writers, that are an asset to the development of languages. These classic books help us connect and think almost exactly like the people of the writer’s time that diversifies the way a person thinks.
We must realize the undeniable need of books and the reason of their unmatched distinction, and value them according to that, because no matter what, they will always be there to guide us.

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”

Mentioning respected @event-horizon and sanyazulfiqar for their support.

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