Contest| Traditional food : Achu and Yellow soup

Hello steemians, I want to write about the traditional food of my village Awing, called "Achu and yellow soup"

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This dish is prepared by boiling cocoyams specifically "Ibo coco" and "achu banana", a special short type of banana. When they are ready, the banana and cocoyams are peeled and pounded alternatively using a wooden mortar and pestle. Finally, it is pounded into a soft smooth mixture using water as needed.

The yellow soup I prepared by heating red oil. "Niki", which is water drained from woodash or calcium carbonate in it's liquid form is mixed into it. Maggi, pepper and achu spices are put in to taste. It is then mixed well and is ready to be consumed.

Achu is usually eaten with egusi pudding, huckleberry or garden egg as side dishes. Not forgetting the complements or "obstacles" as the villagers call it which may include chicken, pork meat, fish, goat meat or cow meat.

This traditional meal is usually prepared in all important occasions as it represents who we are.

Thank you @papi.mati for this contest.

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