A very big art party (part 2). Очень большая арт-вечеринка (часть 2)

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 months ago

Hello to all art lovers! Today I am publishing the second part of the report on the recent art party, which traditionally took place in a cozy city restaurant.

Every time I am surprised by the fact that mostly girls come to such events, and if men or young people come, they usually face some difficulties when painting paintings.

It was different in my student days. There were about 15 boys and only two girls in my art school class. The same pattern was observed in other classes of my school. As a rule, it was more difficult for girls to study then, because boys were better at drawing.

But now something has changed in the universe, and today's generation of students look at me as an endangered species of dinosaur. To be honest, it amuses me terribly, especially when I manage to correct even the most hopeless picture with two or three strokes.

Привет всем любителям искусства! Сегодня я публикую вторую часть отчёта о прошедшей недавно арт-вечеринке, которая по традиции состоялась в одном уютном городском ресторане.

Каждый раз я с удивлением отношусь к тому факту, что на подобные мероприятия приходят в основном девушки, а если приходят мужчины или молодые люди, они, как правило, сталкиваются с некоторыми трудностями при написании картин.

В мои студенческие годы всё было иначе. В моём классе художественной школы присутствовали примерно 15 мальчиков и всего две девочки. Такая же картина наблюдалась и в других классах моей школы. Как правило, девочкам тогда было труднее учиться, потому что у мальчиков получалось лучше рисовать.

Но сейчас что-то поменялось во Вселенной, и на меня сегодняшнее поколение учеников смотрят, как на вымирающий вид динозавра. Честно говоря, меня это жутко забавляет, особенно тогда, когда мне удаётся двумя-тремя мазками исправить даже самую безнадёжную картину.

Acrylic paints, canvas 40x50 cm


I definitely dont think that any of those pieces could ever have been anything close to "hopeless" - besides - art is subjective and what one person may feel is ghastly, another may love! In fact I actually have one of my moms art pieces like that... she DETESTED it and it was always one of my favourites of hers.

As for the winds of change regarding your students - I think people in general are embracing creativity more openly these days - and women... are not living under the thumbs of men anymore... so the change was inevitable.

You have some very talented ladies there.

 4 months ago 

The fact is that these are not really my students. These are mostly people who have never painted before this day. Of course, all these paintings look great, but if people are not helped and encouraged, then they often panic. Over the years of such events, I have come across different manifestations and reactions of people to their creative failures. The main thing here is to notice mistakes in time, show how they can be corrected, and if it doesn't work out, then fix everything yourself)

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