Time for competition "GUESS THE SOUND OF STEEM" Win 20 STEEM

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)

If you guess the correct sound, you can win 20 STEEM

The sound can be from anything, you have to describe exactly what the sound is coming from.

Several may have the correct answer by the end of the competition and the one who submitted the correct answer first is the winner

Steem_Gradient_Blue 300 x 155 The competition is closed.png

The competition ends on 27 November 2020, midnight Norwegian time at 24.00

One participant per competition.
You can not change the first answer you gave
And the answer must be in the comments field here

If no one has the correct answer within the deadline, the competition will be posted in a new post and the steem pot will increase by 1 Steem.
And then you get a new chance to "GUESS THE SOUND OF STEEM"

*The competition is in a test phase so there may be changes

Good luck

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Promo for The next SPUD4STEEM competition is December 1st 2020
Will you be the winner in the next competition?


looks like you lit a matches


 4 years ago 

Thank you @steemadi for your participation

Your answer:

if your answer is correct it will be decided after The competition ends on 27 November 2020, midnight Norwegian time at 24.00

I really believe that my answer is correct ,, smile;)

 4 years ago 

Let it be the sound of "stapler" for this round :)

 4 years ago 

Thank you @axeman for your participation

Your answer:

Let it be the sound of "stapler" for this round :)

if your answer is correct it will be decided after The competition ends on 27 November 2020, midnight Norwegian time at 24.00

Actually i agree with you @axeman.
How if we have the same guess? @xpilar
Please let me know if i need to guess for another to change my answer

Halo @xpilar...

this is an interesting challenge, the answer can be sent directly in this post huh?

 4 years ago 

yes @midiagam, answer must be in the comments field here

I know the answer, it is the sound of drum bands that are beaten with soft movement.

I hope my guess is right 😃

 4 years ago 

Thank you @midiagam for your participation

Your answer:

I know the answer, it is the sound of drum bands that are beaten with soft movement.

if your answer is correct it will be decided after The competition ends on 27 November 2020, midnight Norwegian time at 24.00

World of Xpilar Animals Video competition

 4 years ago 

Hi @nevlu123

World of Xpilar Animals Video competition is still on ice

The sound when the clip of a pen is being attached and removed

 4 years ago 

Thank you @sandun98 for your participation

Your answer:

The sound when the clip of a pen is being attached and removed

if your answer is correct it will be decided after The competition ends on 27 November 2020, midnight Norwegian time at 24.00

This is the sound of rolling dice slowly

 4 years ago 

Thank you @abuahmad for your participation

Your answer:

This is the sound of rolling dice slowly

if your answer is correct it will be decided after The competition ends on 27 November 2020, midnight Norwegian time at 24.00

Hi @xpilar
The voice made me curious. But my answer is: it's the sound of the gas pedal on the lighter. When pressing the gas pedal of the match, and the fire does not start, then you have to press the gas pedal of the lighter repeatedly. Hehe ... I hope my answer is correct. Regards.

 4 years ago 

Thank you @new-spirit for your participation

Your answer:

The voice made me curious. But my answer is: it's the sound of the gas pedal on the lighter. When pressing the gas pedal of the match, and the fire does not start, then you have to press the gas pedal of the lighter repeatedly.

if your answer is correct it will be decided after The competition ends on 27 November 2020, midnight Norwegian time at 24.00

Hola. Buenos días. Interesante concurso.
Ese es el sonido de una tapa, puede ser de un frasco de vidrio, cuando se presiona con fuerza en el centro.
Saludos @xpilar.

 4 years ago (edited)

Thank you @eumelysm for your participation

Your answer:

That's the sound of a lid, it can be a glass jar, when pressed hard in the center.

if your answer is correct it will be decided after The competition ends on 27 November 2020, midnight Norwegian time at 24.00

Let it be the sound of pressing the keyboard buttons.

 4 years ago 

Thank you @cranium for your participation

Your answer:

Let it be the sound of pressing the keyboard buttons.

if your answer is correct it will be decided after The competition ends on 27 November 2020, midnight Norwegian time at 24.00

Excelente concurso, me hizo recordar cuando tenía que redactar algo y no sabía cómo iniciar. Creo que la respuesta correcta es que es el sonido que se produce al tomar un bolígrafo retráctil en la mano y con el pulgar precionar consecutivamente el interruptor de guardado.
Saludos @xpilar.

 4 years ago 

Thank you @mcarol19 for your participation

Your answer:

I think the correct answer is that it is the sound produced by taking a retractable pen in hand and pressing the save switch consecutively with the thumb.

if your answer is correct it will be decided after The competition ends on 27 November 2020, midnight Norwegian time at 24.00

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