Tell Me What You Think

in WORLD OF XPILAR8 months ago


Greeting valued steemians, am so excited to be part of this contest. Special thanks to @franyelgonzalez for the comsistency put to achieve this contest.

The secret to your success is determined by your daily schedule - John C. Maxwell

This quote is an answer to the question that people normally ask "How Long Will It Take For Me To Be Successful?". The simple truth is that if Rome wasn't built in a day, then a successful life can't be established in a day. It is confirmed that a successful life is built based on your daily activities.

A footballer who wants to be the best can't just sleep or party in the guise that his best version will come down to him. He has to practice by waking early in the morning for sprint exercise and then his specialized training like goalkeeping, defense, attacking, etc. Apart from the general training, he devote himself to private training.

A famous footballer named Cristiano Rolando said in his interview that before he was termed World Best, he had devoted most hours of his days for training. This clearly show that a successful life is built on the basis of your daily activities.

The fastest way to change is to live with people who are already the way you want to be - Reid Hoffman

This quote is quite similar to life itself. People succeed because of the influence of other and other fail vise versa. I'll explain in this incident that happened in my life. After several attempts of finding a perfect working space which will give me freedom, I found Steemit. I got admission into the University of Uyo later on.

In my first year, I associated myself with a particular group of people who had a particular character. They love free things and wants to enjoy things they don't work for. This character affected me and I become reluctant in creating posts on Steemit during my Fresh year (1st Semester).

But,I decided to change my ways and began changing my circle of friends. My Second year became a motivating period for me when I associated with other steemians in school. Steemians like @bossj23, @basil20, @nsijoro, and the rest motivated me and I changed because they motivated me with their actions.

Take the first step with faith. You don't have to see all the stairs, just take the first step - Martin Luther King

As life has it, it is full of certainty and uncertainty. Also life is a journey which comprises of thousands and million of steps which is usually unseen. The first step in every thing is usually a difficult one. It can cause pains to the individual concerned.

Taking an infant as a case study, taking a first step in movement is what everyone awaits an infant to do. Some infant take the first step and fall attempting the others. While some take it and summon courage with faith achieving the other.

This is likened to life which people is the subject matter. In anything you do, take the first step with faith believing that the second one is waiting for you.

Inviting @emmajames01, @usoro01 and @uduak3687 to this contest.

Thanks For Reading


Hola amigo, muchas gracias por tu entrada, tienes mucha razón, el éxito no se consigue de la noche a la mañana, debemos trabajar y muy duro e inteligentemente por él. Las cosas no suceden por arte de magia como muchos piensan, siempre hay esfuerzo y disciplina detrás de ello.

Espero que tengas un gran día ,saludos!!😉

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