Vegan Festival and the journey from hell!

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

I\ve been working with Happy cat coffee doing my little raw vegan balls and cakes. The weekend just gone we went up to the vegan festival in Glasgow. I have only been to Scotland once before and was hoping to at least drive through in the day but due to all the petrol shortages the traffic was so bad and it took 11 hours in stead of 6 to get there so definitely didn't get to take in too much of the scenery.

I also had some of my mini art prints available.

The exhibition was held at Hampden football stadium.

I made some raw vegan donuts, made with dates, oats, cacao, pecans and a coconut oil, maple syrup and fresh vanilla glaze. Also some lemon cakes with oats, pecans, cashews, dates, lemon zest and a topping made with coconut oil, maple syrup and fresh lemon juice with some lemon zest sprinkles.

Then I made a selection of raw vegan balls in cacao, matcha, beetroot, salted caramel and lemon and chia.









Everything went really well, till the journey home!!! My friends car started breaking down bit by bit, first it wouldn't go into fifth gear and kept popping out, then reverse went, and then 4th started going a bit jittery o the motorway, with a 7 hour journey ahead of us and it already being 6 pm we had to pull over and call the AA, honestly I was expecting the worst and the toe back home was over £1000!. I do want to share this amazing service station in Scotland though, everything I saw there was so clean and fresh.

I got to have my weird and wonderful snacks of fruit and veg with an earl grey. It's probably only me who eats whole cucumbers and carrots on the go. lol


The mechanic said we could try and get the car back in 4th gear and played around with it a bit. I have to say it might have been the scariest journey I have had and I have definitely had some experiences. The car slowly started failing, the speedometer stopped working, the power steering went, then the rain hit and the windscreen wipers were so bad it was almost impossible to see, then just when it couldn't get any worse the fog hit, it was so bad you couldn't see more than 2 feet ahead. I really don't know how we got back, the one saving grace was that for some reason we had no problems getting petrol... something that seems to be a big problem today.

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