
As I wrote to @lanegra2804 , flattery will get you a 100% upvote:)

Thank you for looking and reading!

I just read you said you had no background in art etc it’s reassuring for me to read as I fell out of love wifh fashion photography a few years back and began painting my spiritual visions, mostly over the lockdown. It’s nice and inspiring to see examples of other ppl with no classical training etc but a vivid imagination out there creating.

Thank you. I don’t know why you fell out of love with fashion photography, butI feel I may fall out of love with painting if I gain the world without leaving it behind. It’s a catch-22. Social media is an anti-anonymity drug that dopamine darts my frontal lobe daily. I often wish for a pre-internet art practice of meditative anonymity. Gallery representation could have a come back in order to save painting. I used to think we should get rid of the middleman, but I now see that it offer protection to the artist, if done right. I wish to paint for 6 months in quiet without feedback, then exhibit to the public. Then go back to quiet.
It’s a tough habit to break.

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