Digital image for the day is made according to my own imagination and thoughts (your writing story competition(109)

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

En busca de la felicidad. // Looking for happiness.


Hoy nos sentimos tan impotentes, sin empleo, sin dinero y con dos hermosos hijos que debemos mantener, escuchar sus llantos de hambre, me parte el corazón, y nos preguntábamos que cosa hicimos mal, que estamos pagando una deuda con Dios? Porque tanto castigo? Ya no soportábamos oír a los niños de hambre, como decirle e explicarles que esperen mañana, que posiblemente encontraremos una solución para calmar el hambre.

Llegada la noche nos visito un amigo, de esos amigos de toda la vida, llego tan contento y feliz que nos dio curiosidad y preguntar. Tanta felicidad a que se debe? El muy contento no respondió que había encontrado la felicidad fuera del país, y solo vino a buscar a su familia para completar su felicidad, en donde estaba tenia casa, un gran empleo y hasta carro, solo necesita su familia.

Today we feel so helpless, without a job, without money and with two beautiful children that we must support, listening to their hunger cries, it breaks my heart, and we wonder what we did wrong, that we are paying a debt to God? Why so much punishment? We could no longer bear to hear hungry children, how to tell and explain to them to wait tomorrow, that we will possibly find a solution to quell their hunger.

When night came a friend visited us, one of those lifelong friends, he arrived so happy and happy that he made us curious and asked. So much happiness, what is it due to? The very happy man did not answer that he had found happiness outside the country, and only came to look for his family to complete his happiness, where he was he had a house, a great job and even a car, he only needs his family.


Me dio tanta curiosidad que le propuse a mi esposo que se fuera a buscar la felicidad, que yo lo esperaba con nuestros hijos para completar su felicidad. Mi esposo se reunió con su amigo y acordaron viajar por el mar en pequeños botes, era un sacrificio que se tenía hacer para llegar al nuevo país.

Se planifico y se fueron, mi esposo, su amigo y su familia, muy emocionado estaba, hablaba solo y decía, mis hijos más nunca lloraran, mas nunca les dolerá su estomago por hambre, el se sentía tan feliz.

I was so curious that I proposed to my husband that he go and seek happiness, that I was waiting for him with our children to complete his happiness. My husband met with his friend and they agreed to travel by sea in small boats, it was a sacrifice that had to be made to reach the new country.

It was planned and they left, my husband, his friend and his family, he was very excited, he spoke alone and said, my children will never cry, but their stomach will never hurt from hunger, he felt so happy.


Pasaron varios días y no recibo noticias, estaba muy preocupada, hasta que vi por las noticia que un pequeño bote naufrago, y murieron todos los que estaban en el bote. Sentí que mi corazón se abrió en dos pedazos, no paraba de llorar, donde esta mi felicidad, donde esta mi esposo, tenía mi felicidad a mi lado y la mande lejos de mi. Me pregunto ahora, que va hacer de mi vida, que va hacer de mis hijos sin su papa, solo quería morir.

Mirando hacia abajo, totalmente desconsolada, mi bebe me agarra la falda y me dice, nosotros aun quedamos, no te vayas tu también mami..

Several days passed and I did not receive news, I was very worried, until I saw through the news that a small boat was wrecked, and everyone who was in the boat died. I felt that my heart was opened in two pieces, I did not stop crying, where is my happiness, where is my husband, I had my happiness by my side and I sent it away from me. I wonder now, what will my life do, what will my children do without their father, I just wanted to die.

Looking down, totally heartbroken, my baby grabs my skirt and says, we are still staying, don't go too mommy ..


Desde ese día voy a la orilla de mar y lanzo una botella con una nota, diciéndote:
Estamos bien, y algún día nos vamos a reunir, mientras seguiré luchando por mis dos pedacitos de felicidad que me dejaste. Te extraño.

Ojala algún día lo pueda leer y volver a casa, donde siempre estaré esperándote. Tengo esperanza que estás vivo, y regresara mi felicidad completa.

Siempre tú esposa. Quien te ama y te amara.

From that day on I go to the seashore and throw a bottle with a note, saying to you:
We are fine, and one day we are going to meet, while I will continue fighting for my two little pieces of happiness that you left me. Miss you.

Hopefully one day I can read it and go home, where I will always be waiting for you. I hope you are alive, and my complete happiness will return.

Always your wife. Who loves you and will love you.

 3 years ago 

Triste historia @tormenta pero hermosa.

Muchas gracias @eve73

 3 years ago 

A strong story that gives a deep impression

Thank you @tormenta

Great gif. you have added the image:)

Gracias a usted por su apoyo, lo aprecio mucho.

Thank you for your support, I really appreciate it.

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