in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

This is my entry for cityscape photography and art contest week hosted by @axeman.


This small fortress is located in the town of Trogir (Croatia), built in the early 15th century when the Venetian Republic took power over Dalmatia.
It had a very important strategic position, it protected the city from the sea side.

The fortress was built from 1420 to 1437.
The fortress was built according to the ideas of Venetian experts by the local master Marin Radoj, otherwise the builder of the port and vaults in the cathedral.


It is a trapezoidal fortress with a monumental polygonal tower facing the sea at the site of the Tower of Chains and smaller corner towers. Around the fort there was a patrol with a retaining wall, and towards the city on the north and east sides a wide defensive moat. The main gate of the castle with a lunette and a drawbridge is on the north side of the castle.
In the middle of the curtain on the south, west and north sides is a berteska with a hanging bow on consoles.
In the inner courtyard were residential buildings for the castellan and crew and the chapel of St. Brand. The castle was built after 1420 when the Venetian Republic conquered Trogir.


Today, the fortress has become a multimedia center with an open-air cinema and a stage for various cultural events.

City of Trogir, Dalmatia, Croatia.

        ... thank you ...

Hola @a-tru.

Gracias por compartir las fotografías de este fuerte, es fascinante imaginar que en esas épocas se defendían con cañones, y que detrás de esas paredes enormes hay muchas historias.

Sí, es fascinante cómo construyeron fortificaciones como esta y cómo lucharon hace quinientos años. La historia fue dura en esta zona hubo mucha guerra y conquista y tales fortalezas defendían toda la ciudad.
Hay cuatro de ellos en mi ciudad, tres en tierra y uno en el mar.

Gracias amigo por el comentario.

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