Weimaraner - Traditional Watercolor | sequence of its elaboration. 🎨 (ENG/ESP)

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year (edited)


As my readers and followers will know, sometimes I am inspired to paint objects in everyday situations, this time was no different, while I was walking around my place of residence at night, I observed an elegant and refined Weimaraner.

I knew it was a Weimaraner because a friend of my wife had one, but it is an unknown breed in Venezuela, for this publication I did research on this peculiar canine.

I thought his name was of South African origin. I was surprised to learn that his name is due to a German Duke Carl August of the Weimar court.

It was a breed created for hunting, in fact it is known by the nickname of gray ghost, it is not a type of breed to keep locked up in an apartment, it is a breed to raise outdoors, remembering that its determination is hunting. .

I was able to discover that they are prone to gastric torsion, for this reason they should be fed in a container in high places, so the Weimaraner should eat semi-upright to minimize the risks of gastric torsion.

As a puppy they have blue eyes and later change to a beautiful light amber color.

In a very athletic, energetic and very affectionate dog with a life time of 10-14 years.

Today I took some time to portray this beautiful specimen in watercolors and that inspired me to learn a little more about it.


Como sabrán mis lectores y seguidores, a veces me inspiro a pintar objetos en situaciones cotidianas, esta vez no fue diferente, mientras paseaba de noche por mi lugar de residencia, observé un Weimaraner elegante y refinado.

Sabía que era de la raza Weimaraner porque una amiga de mi esposa tenía uno, pero es una raza desconocida en Venezuela, para esta publicación hice una investigación sobre esta peculiar canino.

Pensé que su nombre era de origen sudafricano. Me sorprendió saber que su nombre se debe a un duque alemán Carl August de la corte de Weimar.

Fue una raza creada para la caza, de hecho se le conoce con el sobrenombre de fantasma gris, no es un tipo de raza para tener encerrado en un apartamento, es una raza para criar al aire libre, recordando que su determinación es la caza. .

Pude descubrir que son propensos a la torsión gástrica, por tal motivo se deben alimentar en un recipiente en lugares altos, por lo que el Weimaraner debe comer semierguido para minimizar los riesgos de torsión gástrica.

De cachorro tienen ojos azules y luego cambian a un hermoso color ámbar claro.

En un perro muy atlético, enérgico y muy cariñoso con un tiempo de vida de 10-14 años.

Hoy me tome un tiempo para retratar este hermoso ejemplar en acuarelas y que me inspiro a conocer un poco mas sobre el.

Below I show you a photographic sequence of its preparation.


Image 1


Image 2


Image 3


Image 4


Image 5

To make this painting, use the following materials and tools:

Materials and tools.
Paper watercolor 300 gr size A4.
Pencil No. 4H.

Reference Image


I love it when you paint animals. Such a beautiful Weimaraner - a proud dog.
Your ability to be inspired by "simple" encounters of life, I envy a little... ;-)

 last year (edited)

Thank you for your appreciation, your vote and comment, unfortunately I am not widely seen in this communitys and clubes, hahahahahaha.

This breed is of German origin, have you ever had one?

Yes, Weimaraner is a German breed (Weimar is a city in Germany). I never had such a dog. It is very, very beautiful, but also quite difficult to handle since it is a hunting dog.

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Good luck! @stef1

 last year 

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