Blue beetle - Traditional Watercolor | sequence of its elaboration. 🎨 (ENG/ESP)

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago


Sometimes the results you expect when taking a portrait are not what you expected, but you also learn from mistakes.

A few days ago we took a family outing to the city and on the way to the park I saw a very preserved Vw beetle, the paint was very good and it had all its accessories, so I thought it would be a good reason to paint a watercolor.

Days later I decided to look for an image and give freedom to the brushes and watercolors, but in the middle of the portrait the results were not as expected, but I was already on my way, I thought that maybe I could straighten the course I was taking.

I rarely use white watercolor to illuminate portraits, this time I had to use it.

In the end, I concluded without being satisfied with the results, but I also had a lesson, mistakes made that I must minimize, in watercolor portraits, the layers and the water are what mark the final result.


A veces los resultados que esperas al tomar un retrato no son los que esperabas, pero también aprendes de los errores.

Días atrás realizamos un paseo en familia a la ciudad y camino al parque observé un Vw escarabajo muy conservado, la pintura estaba muy buena y tenía todos sus accesorios, ahí pensé que sería un buen motivo para pintar una acuarela .

Días después decidí buscar una imagen y darle libertad a los pinceles y acuarelas, pero en medio del retrato los resultados no fueron los esperados, pero ya estaba en camino, pensé que tal vez podría enderezar el rumbo que estaba tomando.

Rara vez uso acuarela blanca para iluminar retratos, esta vez tuve que usarla.

Finalmente concluí sin estar satisfecho con los resultados, pero también tuve un aprendizaje, errores cometidos que debo minimizar, en los retratos a la acuarela, las capas y el agua son las que marcan el resultado final.

Below I show you a photographic sequence of its preparation.


Image 1


Image 2


Image 3


Image 4

To make this painting, use the following materials and tools:

Materials and tools.
Paper watercolor A5.
Pencil No. 4H.

Reference Image

 2 years ago 

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