💗 You'll Always Be Remembered

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

It was 5:15am on Saturday that the call came. It was a call that I was expecting but one that I didn't want to take. I'd been expecting it since 1pm the previous day when I'd been told that the-nanny-gorilla was in hospital and that she wouldn't wake up.

the-toddler-gorilla had heard that initial conversation, oblivious and not understanding that his 2-nanny who he loved so dearly, was somebody that he'd never see again. Somebody whose hand he wouldn't be able to hold, whose biscuits he wouldn't be able to eat and who he'd no longer be able to load up with cushions.


As I hung up that initial call, the-toddler-gorilla excitedly exclaimed that he couldn't wait to see his nanny. How excited he is that she would come to see him, not realising that her visit would have to wait and that his nanny would be visiting alone.

As he cheerfully called out to his nanny, my heart broke. I knew that it was 2-nanny's time and that she was ready - ready to rejoin the-grandad-gorilla who passed away shortly before a deadly virus swept the world. But of course, we didn't want her to go. Leaving a void in this world that nobody could ever fill.

She'd gone into hospital with Aspiration Pneumonia on the Friday the week before. By Wednesday, she was well and the family was wondering when she'd be coming home. the-toddler-gorilla had made a "Get Well Soon" card which we'd posted to the ward - a card that she'd never receive which is still floating around the hospital somewhere.

On Thursday, I received a text - there'd been a Covid outbreak on the ward that she was on. the-mummy-gorilla had said that each patient should only have 1 visitor - but nobody was following the rules. Nobody ever seems to follow the rules. Perhaps this will help people understand why these rules are in place. Perhaps not. On Wednesday 2-nanny was expecting to come home. By Friday, there was no coming back.

Whether it was the Covid or not, I don't know. After her last visit to us, I said to the-mummy-gorilla that she's ready to go, I was told that she's been ready for a long time.


Both the-mrs-gorilla and I tried to explain this to the-toddler-gorilla yesterday but he didn't understand. Perhaps he won't understand until the-mummy-gorilla comes to visit and 2-nanny's chair remains empty.

I get strength knowing that the-nanny-gorilla and the-grandad-gorilla are together again. I get strength knowing that their place in my heart will never disappear. But the world was a better place with them both in it and they will be missed.


 2 years ago 

My condolences to you. It is a pity that we have to grieve the loss of loved ones. 🙁

Mein herzliches Beileid.
Ich wünsche euch viel Kraft für die kommende schwere Zeit sowie stets schöne, fröhliche Erinnerungen an die wunderbaren Momente, die eure Nanny euch geschenkt hat.
Herzliche Grüße,

 2 years ago 

Vielen Dank, I think that the photo I've shared will always be my favourite memory 🙂

It's a really nice one... 😊
Hugs to all the gorillas!

I am so sorry about your loss.

 2 years ago 

I'm so sorry — my condolences to the whole gorilla contingent! No matter how "prepared" we may think we are, that will always be an "abstract" that's nothing like the actual thing.

The only positive light we can shine on a moment like this is knowing that our relatives will always be with us, in our hearts, minds and souls.

 2 years ago 

Thank you and you're absolutely correct. She'll always be with me.

I'm sorry for your loss. I hope she finds eternal happiness wherever she goes.

I get strength knowing that the-nanny-gorilla and the-grandad-gorilla are together again.

Ameen 🙏 😞 😢

I am really sorry to hear about your loss, I had a feeling that something is wrong as we have not heard anything from you last couple of days. But I hoped that you decided to get off Internet and just spend weekend with your family. It is difficult for little kids to understand but the good things they grow up and as we say the time heal.

My sincere condolence to you and your family .

Condolences :(

 2 years ago 

Good evening @the-gorilla I am really sorry for your loss. The memories remain forever and they are certainly something that nothing and nobody can take away from us. It is just too early for the-toddler-gorilla to understand what really happened. When he does he will have the why questions. He will keep talking about the-nanny-gorilla and keep mentioning her wondering why everybody else feels sad when he does. Based on my experience as long as you keep talking about her and what happened, this is good enough because some people just shut down and avoid the topic. Please don't as this makes it even more confusing for a child. Be strong.

 2 years ago (edited)

When we first tried to tell him, he asked "Why?"

Then we told him she's gone to heaven to be with the-grandad-gorilla. He asked:

"Kevin the postman?"


 2 years ago 

Oh dear. Kids have great imagination and manage to simplify things and come up with even a reasonable explanation based on everything around them. So I guess this is to do with something he watched or picked up adults or other kids talk about. I am sending him a virtual hug.

My friend, I am very sorry for the loss of your loved one in the family.
My sincere condolences to your family

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