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RE: ☠️ Let's Talk About Death

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 months ago

It’s funny how good we are at laughing at the worst of situations sometimes! Is your mum better now?

I think with friends it’s often a case of not knowing what to say. The simple question of “how are you?” Just seems so ridiculous so instead of feeling awkward, we do the worst possible thing and say nothing! Perhaps even assuming that because they haven’t called, they don’t want to talk about it… who knows? I think times like that me you realise how one-sided a friendship was.

What I’ve also found strange is the reaction to my cousin, compared to my mum’s bladder cancer a decade ago. Like you say, complex.



This year will be 13 years cancer free for mum, she has however just had a tumor removed from her spine, we get the results of that on Wednesday, so one day at a time.

Yes exactly, it's definitely during the most difficult times that you really know who your friends are (unfortunately) and for some, it's because they don't want to be around something that, shall we say, 'isn't in line' with their agenda. Sad but true.

I'm sorry to hear about your mum too. Yes people are most certainly complex and I think emotion gets the better of some people. I think the only thing to do is just keep being true to yourself and those that "see you" will want to be in your life, for the good and bad, with no conditions.

Wishing you well :)

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