Using blockchain to solve election voting issue

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

If being asked what is the use case of cryptocurrency many will say that it is for trading. Well they are correct but I just want to let them knows that cryptocurrency is more than that. This is the simplest reason why I have grown to love cryptocurrency in all ways. Seeing that the usecase is endless gladdens my hear all the time. I have also asked more person's and I was told that it is simply for making money. I was shocked as it got surprised me and laughing at same time. How on earth can somebody said it is to make money. So painful how money has suffered us to some extent that we sees opportunity and we were unable to spot it.

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Cryptocurrency has proven to be an integral part of man's life and I am happy towards the stage we have driven cryptocurrency to. There is every tendency that assuming we didn't apply our individual strength as one when it comes to cryptocurrency we wouldn't have gotten to the stage that we are into today. I am really impressed that a lot of cryptocurrency project is making cryptocurrency interesting and amazing. Satoshi Nakamoto will be proud to see how far what he launched has turned into. I bet he will be filled with joy day and night because of this singular reason. Impacting the world massively with something like this is not that easy. I know for sure that he never saw this great success coming. Just like what I hinted above Satoshi Nakamoto is somebody we should be grateful to for all he has done following the creation of cryptocurrency. This is a blessing I must admit.

As per the topic above I have been thinking about this for a very long time now. This topic ran into my mind following how poor elections are operated here in my country. The fraudulent act is too much. In my country, the politicians knows that if they organise a fair election that they will be knocked out so when it comes to elections they are always fast to stick to the traditional ways of voting that they have been using ever since. They all knows that with the traditional ways of voting which they are pretty sure that it will aid them to always carries out their evil act. They wants to continue to be on power no matter how. Painfully they don't want to do any thing better for the country, their motive despite their plans is to steal the country's natural resources and leave the common citizens suffering. This is a shameful and evil act I must admit. If you follows properly you will sees that their aid is to make sure that with this their evil act and agenda they don't want the common man to get it right . They wants the common man to be under them always.

The reason they don't embrace all this ideas when it comes to elections is simply because it won't go well with their evil ways. From my point of view I see that election result can be decided easily with cryptocurrency. If you take a good look at the hive blockchain you will see that we have witness. They are the ones that ensures that the blockchain is running perfectly well. Witness are just like electoral bodies, they are the one organising all election's activities. Now with the aid of the electoral bodies result are gotten perfectly. When it comes to the hive blockchain the witness can be given the mandate to impact the blockchain through how they are being voted into top positions. Without vote they won't be able to impact the chain perfectly.

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What I mean above is that after setting your node or after showing interest that you wants to run as witness, you will have to make sure that you campaign by simply reaching to people about your motive and if they loves it you will be voted for. The more you secure vote the more you move up the vote list and the more you have power to impact the blockchain.

This is how the blockchain can be used to carry out elections. The government will build a blockchain where people can vote with out needing to go out of their comfort zone just to cast their vote. It will save us from a lot of mess like seeing ballot vox being stolen, fighting, argument and rigging of election result. One good thing that they will do is to ensure that the result will be aired live since it is on blockchain. This will help to reduce rigging and cheating during elections.

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Yay!👍 We collecting more Crypto. Reshared your post🔁

Great way to use blockchain tech. Hope this could happen soon.

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