A lesson to learn from a best friend's story

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

I was having a chat with one of my young ghanian friend, the he librated this his Monday story to me
images (9).jpeg source

According to him "I was scared to my bone marrow yesterday.

I stopped a taxi.

I was in haste, so I hurriedly entered

The car zoomed off..

I stole a glance at the driver, from his looks he should be in his early sixties.

In the front seat were two young boys

Both hair unkept..

Their hair jerry coiled from not been combed for a very long time

One wore sweater with hoof..

"A perfect bandit looks"

From their appearance I could tell that they were Fulani boys...

Sorry I'm not stereotyping but that's how they look.

Fear creep into me..

I almost told the driver to stop but I tried to man-up.

In my head, I was already calculating how to jump out Incase anything goes wrong

I looked to my left hand, I saw two young but a little muscular guy's sitting beside me.

They both were wearing a black T-shirt with little Nigeria flag on the lower part of the shoulder.

I knew very well that those t-shirt belong to soldiers

Naturally that should make be relax

But hell know...

Nothing is predictable this days.

Instead of helping me to relax it intensified my fear...

I kept stealing glances at all of them Incase they make any stupid move...

I was restless.

To intensify my fear this two guys at the front started speaking housa.

"I don die today"

That was the thought inside my head.

As if the guy by my side could sense my restlessness, he started talking to his fellow soldiers

First he started in Igbo then Pidgin...

I became a little bit relaxed.

Atleast they spoke what I understand

After while, one of the soldiers said he will be coming down (alighting)

He alighted.

That was when I became more relaxed.

" Atleast they are not a gang" I thought.

I felt stupid to feel that way.

Well, that was what I felt before the driver started telling us crazy story of something that happened during the day.

We heard a gun shot from a spot on the road. Although it was late we could see some police vehicle at that spot.

He started telling us what happened.

He said a beautiful pregnant woman was pushed out of a moving vehicle at that spot.

She died.

According to him the vehicle is a "one chance vehicle" if you are from Nigeria you will understand that term.

As if that was not enough...

The soldier guy started telling us how his second that left the car escaped been killed and robbed.

He boarded criminals taxi.

He said his friend was strong enough to to repel their attack

The only thing they were able to take away from him was his small phone..

It's crazy..

It's more crazier to know that all this things happened in Abuja.

Ah! From their stories, I had every genuine reason to be scared.

No place is safe now....

And no one is safe

As you go to different places today be security conscious. Observe the passengers before you enter. I know it's only God that protect but play your own part.

May God help us all

Source: ThankGod

Appreciations : @infovore @xpilar @worldofxpilar @the-gorilla @adeljose


Always on point @tarja.
There are a whole lots of lesson to learn from this post. We all need to be security conscious always.

Thanks for sharing

 3 years ago (edited)

This is an awesome storyline, considering the security challengies we face in our countries, on must be security conscious.
i'm nominating this post for the #wox-bestpick

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