WORLD OF XPILAR CONTEST: Story - Disappearance of the Hunter

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

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Hello Esteem Steemian's ,


This is going to be pure fictional story based on a hunter , that can't get seen anymore by his lovely family . And all of his kinsman's , friends , whole hometown people's who hast get to know this very well known hunter.

This very well known hunter of which am about to, create out his makeover nature , hardworking status ,posterity , bravery and physicality . As well as his personal reasons for hunting along , his hobby for forest search breaking in and out. Not , and never taken to heart what history built such forest over the years.

Let get on as I begin to create this very story line on , disappearance of the Hunter.

Makeover nature of the Hunter


This makeover nature is more as I personally get begins with , an about such Hunter in question or as the subject.

This very Hunter is being birthed into a family like any other individual , into a family of eight in which he stand out as the only surviving son for the late parent.

The family of late chief Powndhar was known for mainly bravery . As the late chief Powndhar was a traditional wrestler who was highly well done . Due to his frequenced performance over all his chosen opponents. For an annual traditional wrestling festival in his very hometown Dakwaman .

So , based on an attacked all the late chief Powndhar children's who hast chosen traditional wrestling part . Become total victim's of some sorts of mysterious diseases , and passed away . Which included a lone three daughters who as well very proud for their father lifestyle . And did choose to get settled with , trending traditional wrestler of different grade and categories . Categories and wrestling grades was mainly based on such level of an annual festival on traditional basis.

Which often provided more of an opportunity for any able young body , who would love to choose traditional wrestling as main profession.

Lots of young and able body man grown to love traditional wrestling with passion , not just because . It was tradition instead , it was as well based on such facts that . The traditional wrestling was highly attractive and rewards was quite handsome and worth dying for.

The Hunter name was Pawndermon which was the name from deity , in which second annual traditional festival was consecrated to. Known as ndermon the gods of the forest.

By such name getting over him , as he fondly live by love for bush , highly grown bush like forest and gaming. Gaming as he love to search for animals to catch and play with , that . Possibly if he's able to catched such animal alive.

But , if the animal got kill . He would bring them for one particular man who always go hunt for bush meat. The man would get his animal collected and gave him an equivalent amount, as way of motivation.

So is being going till , such fateful day that Pawndermon killed leopard . A very matured large leopard which was cheesing after an antelope , so when he got leopard killed . He mark the whole area with signs and dragged the leopard home. While gotten home , immediate he about to open his premises barrier . There some shouting came across by the name loudly , hey!!! Ndermon the great deity for Dakwaman second traditional festival - I see you !!! I see you !!!. So he stopped.

The man who often hunt for bush meat get by him , required the meat for huge amount.

There Pawndermon request for the skin , then the man answered I have so much of those skin at home come with me to select as much as you want.

They both left to the man quarter , where he kept all his hunting guns and wild animals skins and skulls 💀.

When they both get inside , then Pawndermon seen it all . After he get to choose two different set among leopard and king cobra skin . Seen some hunting guns , he demanded to have one and how to handle it . The man was very pleased to help him. After their whole moments he left along set of two animals-skin and a gun with enough shouting balls.

Pawndermon get straight headed to some high bush , where he did killed leopard. While getting around those area he noticed there are more antelope and few wild animals . He hunt till midnight and gathered all his meats and parted to that man's house . Before he got there it was already morning.

There by the morning because people of the Dakwaman really do love antelope meats . When get known the Hunter of such a great number of antelope , he was highly praised right there he become well known and popular.

The antelope was much he hast to gathered all of them and link robe to tie each on another , and dragged them home.

Pawndermon the Hunter his life and what happened


Pawndermon the Hunter who hast such hobbies for forest and animals search , now become well known Hunter. After get killed lots of antelope and some wilds animals along lots of other animals species.

His quest for forest led him to devoured a near by forest.
Facts is that , Dakwaman is a very large town with more than three forest . Two of which is being forbidden for human entrance, as no human can get into the forest heart and return.

When the people of Dakwaman heard that their talented Hunter is now attempting , nearing forest . He was invited to the Chiefs council to guide him cautiously, on what forest to approach and what forest to avoid.

When get done by those chiefs and the elders , he was offered traditional blessings . He acknowledge and depart . While each and every one in attendance soon expired to respective houses accordingly.

Couples of months get by , when the Hunter was on a furious hunting for wild animals.

Based on his self given targets , to have at least two wild young animals. He got one .

Then while hunting for both meats and a live young wild animal.

He get deepening into the forest while getting follow some animals stepped , there till he gets cross the human boundary to the forest for the spirit . Because it was at night he noticed not secondly he was highly engulfed for hunting those animals . Those animals stepped did appeared more like kind of larger animals .

Thing is that Pawndermon the Hunter step into the forest of the spirit. And he was scared by some spirits , he noticed not . Instead still forged up ahead because of his braveness .

When gotten close to the forest heart , he saw a terrifying snake , not really knowing what nature of snake that could be.

He attempted to shoot , snake disappeared. His braveness couldn't still let him realized where he is. He stilled get more forward , while get at the centralized forest heart circle. He saw a flowing stream ,flowing pure white water beneath the ground for the stream . Was pure white sharp sand along craffleds particles.

There as thirty as he could be , stepped on to drink from the stream. But while getting more closer the stream appeared more deeper . So he get on the side thought he could swimed , if anything get wrong . Perhaps the stream depth get deepening in height than him. When he got into it to drink , he then saw kind of shinning object in front . He was curious to go see , while there to touched . He got magnetted and disappeared , straight to the spirit world.

That was how the Hunter get seen himself in the spirit world. Gets to meet lots of ancient Hunter's who was at different points got disappeared and get hide by the , dwelling spirits of the forest.


Special invite : @luchyl , @sammylove





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Hola querido amigo, muchas gracias por tu entrada, una gran historia. Debo recordarte que la historia debe tratar sobre la imagen realizada por xpilar, la imagen que se encuentra en la publicación del concurso. Saludos!

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