SUNRISE | Seeing beauty of sunrise with fishermen

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago


Seeing beauty of sunrise with fishermen

Today, as I wrote in the title above "Seeing the beauty of the rising sun with fishermen" together seeing the beauty of the rising sun, is always what the photographer wants to expect, but only the place and time can determine this meeting.

as well as what I feel today, together with a fisherman, who both arrived at the location, which can be seen the sun rising, with their respective preparations, such as:

  • I prepare a camera and lens.
  • Fishermen prepare nets to catch fish

we smiled at each other, although we didn't know each other, but this fisherman, already knew, my goal was to come to this one area, namely on the banks of the Kandang Village River

The picture that I got too, was very different, which was produced by the camera that I brought, moreover the condition in the morning was still a little dark, just relying on the light released by the sun this morning, I was able to get some pictures, which I want to show you all, who is at home with family. where ever you are.

what kind of picture I took, let's look together below.


Sunrise 1


Sunrise 2


Sunrise 3


Sunrise 4


Sunrise 5


Sunrise 6


Sunrise 7


Sunrise 8


Sunrise 9


Sunrise 10


Sunrise 11

from the eleven images that you have seen above, I did not do the photo shoot without using a special filter lens, so that the image that I produce looks more beautiful, than without using a lens-specific filter, this goal is to get the original location situation.

but in the future, it feels like to have a camera lens filter, in order to get good and beautiful picture results, like the original beauty of Aceh.

this is what I can convey, I hope you enjoy seeing it.

Hilsen @sultan-aceh



PhotographySUNRISE In Aceh
Location PhotographyAceh - Lhokseumawe - Kandang
CameraCannon 600D & HandPhone
Camera LensCannon & HandPhone

 4 years ago 

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Panorama alam padangan yang sangat indah... Di pagi hari. Sukses bg

son mis fotos favoritas porque a pesar de que todos los días amanece, los colores del cielo nunca son los mismo. buen trabajo :)

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