HUNTING Caterpillar | Leaf caterpillar
Leaf caterpillar
Today, I will show again, the type of caterpillar that has several colors on its upper body, the type of caterpillar that you see, is a little different from other types of caterpillars, this is because, this type of caterpillar does not only eat leaf types, but also tree branches. almost completely, he explained, was a meal for this type of caterpillar.
This type of caterpillar, has a very medium body size, has no length, like other types of leafworms.
what kind of caterpillar I mean, let's look at it below.
This is what I can say, I hope you are happy to see it.
I end with a word
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Hilsen @sultan-aceh
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Photography | Leaf caterpillar |
Location Photo | Aceh Forest |
Camera used | Handphone |
Photographer | @sultan-aceh |
I saw very good and beautiful pictures. The color of the caterpillar is also very attractive, mixed with black and yellow which is good and solid. Hopefully I can get photos like @sultan-aceh in the forest of Aceh. Greetings @new-spirit
thank you so much
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Assalamu'alaikum, salam kenal saya tugas di lsmw, jika ada waktu saya juga mw bljr fotografi. Ohya apakah memungkinkan menghasilkan fotografi yang sesuai standar jika hanya menggunakan kamera Hp HUAWEI Nova 3i, atau harus ada tambahan perangkat dukungan lain. Terimakasih 🙏
Walaikum salam bang @radjasalman
yang saya tahu klo hp HUAWEI Nova 3, memiliki kamera "
itu sudah ok punya bang, cuma abang harus bisa manfaatkan cahaya disaat abang photo saja, siang, sore dan pagi. tapi jika abang punya waktu, bawa aja handphone, biar saya cek, lensa yang sesuai dengan kamera handphone abang. karena gak semua lensa, sesuai dengan lensa yang abang pakai.
Oke siap, saat ini saya sedang mengurus istri melahirkan di RS Abby, insyAllah jika sudah tdk sibuk lg kita ngopi santai. Terimakasih 🙏
alhamdulillah ... semoga bayi dan ibunya sehat.
selamat sudah memiliki anak lagi... banyak anak banyak rejeki .... heheheh
get bang ....