Benefits of papaya for health

in WORLD OF XPILAR24 days ago

Papaya is one of the fruits that is very easy to find in Indonesia. The large number of papayas available exceeds demand does not deny that the price is very affordable. Therefore, you can use this fruit as a mainstay to meet your vitamin needs.


Papaya contains many vitamins, including vitamins A, B, C, vitamins B1, B3, B5, E, K, calcium, magnesium and antioxidants. This sweet fruit, easily available at an affordable price, has other benefits for the body besides being very good for digestion. Apart from that, what are the benefits of papaya for the human body?

Reporting from the Ministry of Health website, one of the benefits of consuming papaya is that it can make the heart healthy. A study shows that fruits containing lycopene and vitamin C can prevent heart disease. Papaya contains antioxidants that can protect the heart and good cholesterol in the body.

Papaya also has excellent benefits for skin health. The lycopene in papaya is also able to fight signs of aging. A 2015 study reported by Healthline showed that some skin wrinkles occur as a result of increasing age due to the activity of free radicals, antioxidants can help fight this damage.

A 2014 study of elderly women who consumed antioxidant fluids such as lycopene and vitamin C experienced a reduction in wrinkles. So, the content in papaya can make the face look youthful.

A 2014 study of elderly women who consumed a blend of antioxidants including vitamin C and lycopene experienced a measurable reduction in the depth of facial wrinkles.

Not just for consumption, papaya also has good benefits for hair health. Summarizing from Healthline, papaya can be used as a mask or hair conditioner which can protect and strengthen hair and has been proven in research.

Not only that, the lycopene content in papaya can accelerate hair growth. Lastly, the content in papaya seeds can prevent dandruff. You can use a papaya mask to care for your hair.

As is known, papaya is very good for digestion. According to the Ministry of Health website, papaya can also reduce weight. This is because papaya contains the enzyme papain and has a high fiber content. Not only that, the calories in papaya are also relatively low, so it is very suitable for consumption for those of you who are on a diet.


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