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RE: Paper Magazines and Paper Guy

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month

Well, I have different problems, but probably with the same result.
I've always been terrified of the accumulation of things that inevitably happens when you stay in one place for several years. For some time I have even been thinking about how to make my life fit in one backpack. There is a way, but on the other hand, I don't even want to live like that. Because I also move every few years. I currently live in my partner's house because I could never afford to have my own house (where I could just leave my stuff at least). But I will also have to move from here soon, due to the impossibility of finding a job. So what am I going to do with my stuff is a question that will be on the agenda again.
On the other hand, I also can't concentrate, I can't even sit down to read a book. Books years ago were also a huge pleasure for me, but not when I live here, when only thoughts of survival run through my head - how to get a job, where to live, etc.
Here, you see, different circumstances - same result.🙃


You are right, when you live in one place, you are bound to accumulate a lot of stuff. I think that's okay if that stuff is in use or holds practical importance. But the keepsakes and relics...which have little or no emotional value left, it's no point of keeping those. I also didn't wish for a nomadic life, traveling is another thing, but moving every few years is a lot of nuisance. Your circumstances or mine, lesser the baggage, easier the life.

I hope things get easier for you. (:

Thank you❣️

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