My entry to The World of XPILAR - B&W PHOTOGRAPHY AND ART CONTEST WEEK #052 / Don Quijote de La Mancha

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago
When I read Don Quijote de La Mancha while I was in high school, I was really impressed, both by the adventures of the "ingenious hidalgo" and by the humor that the novel had, so that when I came across this statue of the character on a street in Havana, Cuba, and against the light, it made me remember how his figure was described in the book: very skinny and somewhat crazy...

Cuando leí Don Quijote de La Mancha estando en bachillerato quedé realmente impresionada, tanto por las aventuras del "ingenioso hidalgo" como por el humor que tenía la novela, de manera que al toparme con esta estatua del personaje en una calle de La Habana, Cuba, y a contraluz, me hizo recordar cómo era descrita su figura en el libro: flaquísimo y algo loco...


Photo taken by me with a Sony Cyber Shot 7.2 mp digital camera / Foto hecha por mí con una cámara digital Sony Cyber Shot 7.2 mp


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