Digital art competition number 25 .... art a modern girl healer

Happy New Eid to all, starting today's topic with devotional greetings. I think all these people have some talent i.e. experience that there are some platforms to express their work experience and that work is given dignity because some people like us like their hobby. And share their life story and their work on some platforms like this. I hope you will like some information and some work done by me in Asia. It is my hope and expectation that I will be able to impress you. I present


Wishing everyone a new day with love and devotional Salaam Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. May God's mercy be upon all and that everyone may spend their days in a healthy and strong body, that's why I'm starting today by praying to God that I'm going to share pictures that I enjoy making and sharing them with you is my joy. I want to share with you, I don't know how I draw pictures, your opinion is very important to me. I don't know how I draw and I think that with this hard work of mine I will one day stand next to the new users as a curator and try to take them to the level if you help me I may be able to do that and I request you that I am my Want to gain recognition through work. So let's analyze my drawing today step by step and show you how I drew it.

art step 1


All in all I drew all the parts of this picture with pencil and later manufactured it and turned it into beautiful digital art. Air TA is usually done through apps, coloring them step by step with drawing apps and after pencil sketch first I painted the picture part and second step I painted the body part. These pictures are drawn with people's feelings, sorrow, pain, joy, pain. Where are some of the pictures that speak, they are described in the pages of history, maybe if we try, we can create something like that, but not everything is described in the pages of history because history is only written. True about some stories and events.

step 2


In the second step, the eye part of the picture is colored and the eye part is given green color so that it is considered as Greenhiller that the character is mainly associated with nature, the green of nature and kajal mixed with black clouds, her hair is drawn accordingly and the picture is given new a form

step 3


In the third step the body part is colored so that it is perceived as a human body and the picture comes out beautifully because no matter how the picture is drawn it is considered a picture if the picture is not understood or its correct form is not shown. No or just it is considered as abuse of color picker so I have tried to explain to you in a nice step by step color so that it is easy to understand in your case.

step 4


step 5


step 6


In the case of painting, it can be said that you have to settle your mind and cool your mind and try to develop the picture you are drawing with full attention and while drawing the picture you have to pay attention so that no colors get in the middle of the picture and fall on the picture. I also tried to draw regularly in terms of pencil drawing. I don't know how much joy I can give you and I hope to get a lot of love from you. I am going to participate in this competition post today. I have drawn the picture of a night hunter scene. So step by step I present my pictures to you and make it easy for you to understand how I draw.

last step


College photo


Thanks for everyone and special thanks for @xpilar ....


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