in WORLD OF XPILAR11 months ago
Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. This is me @shahid2030 from Pakistan and you are here reading my post. You all are welcome here from the core of my heart.

Introduction to the topic


This is my participation in a contest ONE IMAGE, ONE STORY organized WORLD OF XPILAR by @franyeligonzalez.

This is the beautiful contest of the week. I have been it's part several times before too. Now I want to create my own imaginative story about this picture again. So let's get start.


This picture is of a young boy Adam. He is from from Pakistan. He moved to England for MPhil study. Adam has recently got admission in Oxford university . Due to pandemic he has online classes before. It was very tough time for him as he didn't know anyone there. He was desperately waiting for his university to reopen so he can make friends their.

Finally the wait is over and the university is announce to be opened in August 2022. Hearing the news Adam was too much happy. On very first day Adam meet a girl called Lisa. Lisa is a young beautiful girl too. Their friendship start from the classroom. They both share the same bench so they exchange so words like hello and hi.

After one class they are given some free time to get refresh. Look at the coincidence they both go to the canteen and their they have the same spot again. Both of them are standing in a line waiting for their number to buy things. Lisa was ahead of Adam. When it was Lisa's turn, she buy some food for Adam too. She told him consider it as my treat for you. Adam accept that and come out of the line along with Lisa.

They bother sit their, start eating their fast food and gossiping each other. Adam tells Lisa if you give him a chance to treat you in a restaurant. At first Lisa deny, but soon she has to say yes as Adam was insisting. They both agree to have a dinner together.

Now in this picture Adam reached to the spot they have decided they will have dinner at and waiting for Lisa. He is texting now Lisa to ask her where she is. After a while Lisa reach their and they both have dinner together. Lisa asked Adam how it's possible our friendship just have one day and we are having dinner together. Adam replys I think it's our mutual understanding. Adam and Lisa are still studying at that university and they both are still bestfriends.


So this is my story for One image one story. It my own imaginative story, hope you guys have enjoyed it. See you soon with a new amazing and interesting topic till take care.

| I would like to invite @santamorillo @emsonic @saulvargasman to participate in this Contest|

Your presence here means alot
Thanks for being here

Regard shahid2030



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Very nice and interesting story, sometimes it happens, we meet people who become friends just as it happened with Adam and Lisa, we feel so pleased with their company and we get to understand each other so much that it seems that we have known them for many years, so It is not ruled out that Adam and Lisa emerge and a beautiful and lasting relationship.

Greetings, thanks for the invitation.

I am greatful to you too. I really like your precious words you used for me. Much more love and respect.

Saludos amigo gracias por la invitación.

Espero poder dejar mi entrada en una imagen una historia.

Yes dear, shall be waiting for your beautiful entry here.

Gracias por la invitacion.

El uso de la tecnología nos muestra muchas oportunidades para desenvolvernos, éxitos

Thanks for stopping by here dear friend. Much more love and respect.

Hola amigo, muchas gracias por tu entrada, ciertamente a veces llegan personas a nuestra vida que la hacen mucho más gratificante, la amistad es un gran tesoro y debemos valorar cada momento y porque no, dejar entrar nuevas personas a nuestra vida.

Saludos, muy linda entrada.😊

I am really glad to see your so much Positivity response on my blog. Too much love and respect dear.

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