3,2,1 ... smile


I am going to be honest with you. Creating art is really one of the things in life that keeps me going, motivated and able to survive in the World we live right now.

Today I went out for another Photography Walk and I have to say that I don't think it was the most productive and successful one.

In all honesty when I was out the inspiration didn't really came to me and the vision and ideas I had when I left the house were not really happening.

But I still have enjoyed, had fun and whenever I decide to go and look at the photos I have taken I might change my mind and maybe find one or two that I actually like.

This photo I took when I was on a break to decided if I should keep going or just go home and call it a day.

Old, almost vintage photo

And that second photo you see it is one of my works, this image I have created maybe 15 years ago. And today was also collected on the Secondary NFT market.

Even older works can still be of worth, keep gaining value and sell.

That is the magic of art! It never gets old. It just gets better.

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I am going to be honest with you. Creating art is really one of the things in life that keeps me going, motivated and able to survive in the World we live right now.

artifact (5).jpg


That is the magic of art! It never gets old. It just gets better.

It is eternal, it is so magical that the old is created new, it beautifies each space!

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