in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)


Esta flor es llamada por la vecina que la tiene "Ave Fénix", sin conocer su nombre real. Ahora les explico el por qué:

A consecuencia de la crisis económica y demás que vivimos en Venezuela, muchos establecimientos comerciales han ido a la quiebra (Los más grandes han sido expropiados por el gobierno de turno, pero esa es ya otra historia) y eso ocurrió a un vivero. El dueño, antes de cerrar, obsequió las plantas que le quedaban a las personas que iban de paso por allí.

Por casualidad entre esas personas se encontraba el esposo de mi vecina y el dueño del vivero le obsequió esta planta, el señor no recuerda su nombre, solo que procede del Brasil.

Su esposa se alegró al ver la flor tan hermosa. Era la época de lluvias acá, donde tenemos solo dos estaciones: una època seca que dura seis meses y una època lluviosa que dura los otros seis meses. Cuando terminó la temporada de lluvias, la planta comenzó marchitarse, y, a pesar del cuidadoso riego diario que le mantuvo mi vecina, se secó por completo.

Ella colocó el matero donde la tenía en un rincón de su patio, cual no sería su sorpresa cuando , seis meses después, al concluir la época de sequía y comenzar las lluvias, empezó a brotar de nuevo la planta, en una semana ya tenía hojas, botones y a los quince días su hermosa flor.

Su belleza se disfruta por seis meses y luego desaparece por completo. Por eso ellos la llaman ave fénix. Si algún lector conoce su nombre real me encantaría nos lo hiciera saber.

Es mi entrada a este concurso. Si deseas participar también lee sus bases haciendo click acá

flor divisdor.png

This flower is called by the neighbor who has it "Ave Fénix", without knowing its real name. Now I explain why:
As a result of the economic crisis and others that we live in Venezuela, many commercial establishments have gone bankrupt (the largest have been expropriated by the government in power, but that is another story) and that happened in a plant nursery. The owner, before closing, gave the plants that he had left to the people who were passing by.
By chance the husband of my neighbor was passing by and the owner of the nursery gave him this plant, the man does not remember its name, only that it comes from Brazil.

His wife was glad to see the beautiful flower. It was the rainy season here, where we have only two seasons: a dry season that lasts six months and a rainy season that lasts the other six months. When the rainy season ended, the plant began to wilt, and despite my neighbor's careful daily watering, it dried up completely.
She placed the pot where she had it in a corner of her backyard, which would not be her surprise when, six months later, at the end of the dry season and the beginning of the rains, the plant began to sprout again, within a week it already had leaves, buttons and after fifteen days its beautiful flower.

Its beauty is enjoyed for six months and then disappears completely. That is why they call it a "phoenix". If any reader knows its real name I would love to let us know.

It is my participation in this contest. If you want to participate, also read their bases by clicking here


 3 years ago 

Usually for the competition are limited to a short description. You did a good job. It deserves a reward. I nominate your work for Trial Upvote.

Thank you very much for the nomination, @o1eh, and, above all, for valuing my job.

Bonita participación amiga @sayury. Gracias por compartirla con nosotros.

Gracias por la grata visita, @mirla33. Y por tu comentario.

Congratulations your post is set to 100% POWER UP and is nominated by @o1eh. You will receive a 20% upvote from the World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


Thank you very much, @worldofxpilar, for your support.

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