Three Little Ducks
Hello everyone.
There is nearby picnic area where I went last Saturday. There is lot of trees and water pond. There is also Duck family living there. Three duck younglings were swimming in the pond. Of course mother duck was always with them. Behind them or in front of them. They were swimming, going to plants that are in the water and grass on the shore. Most probably looking for food - maybe it was teaching time. Little duck are very cute. They looks so joyful. There were also two other bigger ducks but they were on a bit distance from mother and younglings.
It was so interesting to watch them swimming around, searching for food.
Here are photos.
They were swimming to other side of the pond. While swimming they were searching for food through plants in the water.
They went to the grass that is on the shore.
Here in the back you can see other two duck.
And again back to the other side and plants in the water.
Photo by @sammy00.
thanks for the support :)