Using Words Wisely

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

There are some kinds of words that you will say to someone and you will kill his spirit from within. On the other hand, there are some words that can go a long way to restore hopes to the souls of someone. This is why it has been said that words carry unimaginable power and as such, should be wielded wisely. Words, when spoken, are like seeds which are planted in the person's heart and has the proclivity to grow.


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You will agree with me that you can create and destroy simply by the words that come from your mouth. There are lots of people that have gotten themselves into trouble by using the wrong choice of words or using words wrongly. As much as words may look harmless, there are no casual words because every word carries equal propensity to effect changes.

Words are not just spoken simply because of the need to use the buccal cavity. You should understand that you should use words because you have something to say. Before you use words, you have to allow your brain to precede it. That is, always try to think first, then your words can follow suit, not speaking before your brain can think anything.

It is important to know that how words are spoken carries more power than the content of the words itself. When speaking or using words in general, you should not be concerned only about the choices of words to use, you should also consider the way and the manner the words should be spoken. The same line of words can be used differently and they will drive home entirely different meanings.

You should also understand "tones" when using words. Your tone can make a very huge difference and can ultimately alter the meaning of the words that you intended it to. Using the right words with a tone that is wrong will make the overall meaning of the words altered. It is not just a matter of using the right words but using them rightly with the right tone.

No matter how seemingly harmless the words you use are, your tone can make it to be perceived as rude, and when that happens, it will become counterproductive. In the same way, there is a way to use a potentially harmful word with a light tone and it will not appear rude but it will look more friendly. This is the reason you have to involve your brain when you use words - not just to help with the choice of words, but to choose the right tone per time.

Apart from tones, there are many other things that should be considered in the usage of words for communication purposes: like the emotions and body language. This also plays a very indispensable role when communicating. The combination of tones, emotions, body languages, expression, and words will make for effective communication.


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However, for the above to apply, it should start from the thoughts. No wonder is has been said that effective communication starts from the mind. Without bringing in your thoughts, the main aim of communication will be defeated.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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