The Motivation To Save Money

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month

One of the reasons why a lot of people do not save is not because they do not make enough money to be saved but simply because they do not see the motivation to do so. The truth is that it may not be easy to keep a chunk of your income as savings with all the feelings of "impulse spendings" that is flying around. If you do not tell yourself the reason why an action should be taken (like saving money), you may not take the action. One should understand that the act of saving money should not just be a goal or a destination, but what you have as a habit. That is what you do as a lifestyle. So let us see some motivation that can make one to save.


Image from Pexels

The first motivation is to achieve financial freedom. Trust me, there is no way you can be financially free with reckless spending and without saving. No matter how much you earn or you are paid, if you cannot save a part of the earnings, then you are already in a very big risk. As part of the financial freedom is having enough money, through savings, that you can use for other things like investment, etc. There is a level of ease and comfort that comes by knowing that you have some funds to fall back on. In fact, it removes anxiety and certain levels of fear of unknown. More so, it makes you more independent and able to take certain financial steps without hoping on anyone.

Another motivation to save is to get prepared for the times of emergency. The truth is that you cannot rightly predict what will happen or come to you in the future, but you can only prepare for them. By saving, you know that you have what to make use of in a case of financial emergency. There are times that you need money for urgent reasons, which may be a case of emergency, and delaying may be fatal. In that situation, the quickest financial help you will get is the one that you offer to yourself. If you think about this, then you will see reasons to save. If you have ever been in a situation where you need urgent financial assistance, you will understand why you need to save and prepare for it.

The next motivation to save is to empower your dreams for actualization. No matter what you dream of achieving and how good it may look, it will still require funds to be actualized. You may dream of travelling on vacation, buying a particular car, etc. All these will definitely need you to spend money and you cannot spend the money which you do not already have. Waiting for when you will have the money at once to fuel your dreams may delay the actualization of the dreams. Instead, you need to save up from what you earn and before you know it, you will couple up enough money to fund your dreams.


Image from Pexels

It is also worth noting that savings helps you to effectively plan and organise your life. If you see someone that spends recklessly on impulse buying, you will see how unorganized their lives are. But if you see someone that saves and plans their financial life, they always live a coordinated life. This shows that saving also does good to other areas of your life apart from finance. Of course, if you will be disciplined enough to save money and be committed to it, you will not also find it difficult to stick to your other plans.

The final motivation to save that we will look at here is that it helps to secure the future. You have to know that the future, if you want to make the most of it, most be secured by your actions of today. As a civil servant for example, you cannot stop the inevitable retirement. By saving during your active working years, you would secure your future even after retirement. This can motivate one to take on the lifestyle of saving. Have this in mind as I conclude with it; "to save, you do not have to wait until you start earning big, you can start from what you earn at the moment."

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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