The Act Of Taking Up Responsibilities [Avoiding Excuses]

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

As a way of introduction, I want to remind you that you are responsible for the result of any step or action that you take. It is amusing when someone will only take responsibility when the results are in their credit but will be quick to make excuses for failed attempts. Well, just to let you know; your responsibility must be total and absolute for it to count. The responsibility of the result of your actions and inactions rests on your shoulders.


Image from Pixabay

Anyone that makes you to believe that you are excluded from the responsibility of your actions is trying to make you irresponsible. One of the signs that show that you are getting matured is when you begin to take responsibility instead of just settling for excuses. Excuses may seem like an easy way out but at the end, it will come with obvious consequences. Nothing good ever comes by making excuses.

One of the reasons why some people do not get better after a failed attempts is because they do not look to find why they failed but were only quick to either blame someone else or make excuses for their failures. The truth is, if you cannot take responsibility and tell yourself the truth why you had a failed attempt, you are more likely to repeat the same mistake over and again, and may end up having other multiple failed attempts.

It does not matter the kind of excuse that you have been able to come up with, it will certainly not give a justification for the fact that you did not perform the action that was required of you. The energy you spend to conceive excuses, if channeled well, you can use it to learn from your past mistakes, but it starts with taking responsibility. You may have made mistakes in your attempts, but it does not define who you are, after all, humans have the proclivity to make mistakes. The only thing you need to do is to take responsibility for it, learn from it, then get better with the next attempt.

When people remark you for giving unnecessary excuses, it may reduce the level of trust that they have in you. However, when they know you that you will always take responsibilities for your actions, you will not only gain their trust but they will entrust more things into your hands. Remember, the reward for taking responsibility is to be given more responsibilities.

At a point, you may tend to find yourself in a position where you are in the middle of two hard choices to make - either to make an excuse, or take responsibility and face the consequences. At this point, you will agree with me that taking responsibility will be the better choice for the sake of the future. Even if you are punishment for owning up to your misdeeds, it will be a pathway towards your perfection and it will make you to become better with time.


Image from Pixabay

The truth is, everyone has the proclivity to give excuses but it requires a high level of maturity to be able to take responsibility and not give excuses. This is why it has been said that "taking responsibility is an attribute of adults."

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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