Resist The Urge To Judge People By Their Mistakes

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago

It is sad to see that in this era, a lot of people are very quick to point out the flaws and mistakes of others without recognizing that they themselves may not even be better than the people they judge. It has now become easy to judge people based on what you observe about them without realising that you are not without flaws too. In life, I have discovered that humans have developed the tendency to focus more on others without paying much attention to themselves. The flaws you think you have seen in others, even without knowing anything about the history, you may also have worse flaws if you check. So we should try to imbibe within us the habit of not judging people based on their faults but help them to become better humans.


Image from Pexels

It is worthy to note that no human is perfectly without flaw, but it is part of what make us humans. If you are expecting perfection from a mortal, your expectations will be dashed sooner than later. Of course, you cannot expect someone to attain perfection when perfection is not even within your own reach. You may have strengths in some area, but it does not overrule the fact that you have weaknesses in some others areas. The person you see as being weak in a particular area also have strengths in something else. To make for mutually beneficial relationship, your strength should complement the weaknesses of others and vice verse, not judging them for their weaknesses.

Do not be too quick to criticise people if you have not walked a couple of distances in their shoes. It is not that I am giving excuses for wrongs, but if you are placed in some people's shoes, you will do worse than you think they have done. A lot of people are going through some untold hardness that criticizing or judging them may just compound and complicate their problems. This is where love, care, and humanity comes into play. Second chances exist for moments like this. Always try to give people; not just the benefits of doubt; but also second chance. Trust me, if second chance never existed, a lot of us, including you, may not have made it this far in life.

At some points in your life, you have done some mistakes and exhibited some flaws, but you were pardoned and got second chance - of course because of mercy, so why will you not also give others the same second chance? You may have to start looking at mistakes from a positive point of view. Most times, for the fact that you make mistakes means that you are indeed making moves. In fact, there are some risks that you may never take if you are scared of mistakes. So try to consider the fact that the person you see make mistakes may not have done it willing but by reason of their risks. So the major thing to focus on is how to learn from the mistakes so as not to repeat them in the future.


Image from Pexels

It is better you help people to learn from their mistakes and overcome their flaws than judging them for the them. There are things that can be taught by the same mistake that you are trying to judge people on. If you will focus on that, it will help them to overcome it. More so, people will be more open to take creative steps and move out of their comfort zone when they overcome the fear of making mistakes because they know you will not judge them if they make a wrong attempt. The same person that is prone to errors today, after they have tried a couple of attempts, they will get better with time.

One of the things that I learnt early in life is not to write anyone off. Throughout history, a lot of people that were written off later made a surprise comeback and achieved the unimaginable. At the end, it is neither the errors nor the flaws that define who you are but what you have done with them, and how you have taken advantage of them to become a better human. Behind everyone that has gained mastery in any field of human endeavour lies some flaws that they kept working on. They achieved greatness, not because they never had flaws, but because they acted on them to become better. So do not conclude someone's future by their mistakes of today, because there is hope for every human.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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