Proper Preparation; Requirement For Success

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago

Sometimes back, I watched one action war movie where soldiers were sent to rescue some locals that were adopted by some group of armed gangs. Before they went, they had to do some background checks and some necessary underground work. They prepared extensively for the mission for about 3 days straight, with strategies, intels, etc. On the day of the mission, they already know where to attack from. They hit very hard because they had already prepared for what they was coming. In less than 2 hours of intense battle, the hostages were rescued. When they were coming back, the captain tapped one of them and humorously told him "we gave them heat because we're prepared." This shows the power of preparation for success to be achieved.


Image from Pexels

If you want to achieve something great, then you should know that it will not be delivered to you as a gift, but you have to prepare for it. Take this instance; if you want to go for a music auditioning but you have not been practising and preparing for it. You do not even know what music entails, nothing at all, how do you hope to scale through the audition process? One of the reasons behind why a lot of people have not gotten what they have dreamt of is because they have not prepared for it. Good things of life will not magically fall on you, you need to prepare for them.

Some of the great football legends you celebrate today were made on the platform of preparation. Some of them have put in so much, trained extensively, and then practised beyond what you can imagine just for a particular football skill. There was one of the interviews from a football legend that I watched. He mastered a particular pattern of playing the freekicks with a "C curve," making it almost impossible for keepers to stand a chance. When asked about how he mastered it, he revealed that he had practised it over and again. He would come to the training pitch early and stayed back even while others had left. You will not be surprised what he has achieved in football.

If a student has an exam but chooses not to prepare, then they have already chosen to fail. It is either you pay the price of preparation for what you want to go into or you stand the risk of paying the price of failure. Of course, if you have not planned for success, then you have made a choice to exclude yourself from it. Simply put, a failed choice of planning, is a planned choice of failing. Trust me, the world is already becoming intensely demanding and whether you like it or not, you are already included in the competition of the world's system. So it is either you plan for it or you will be edged out.


Image from Pexels

What a lot of people fail to understand is that the people you are up against have done their preparation and if you approach life with laxity and docility, you might become a victim. Success, and every other good thing in life, will definitely be achieved or actualized at a cost and one of the costs is preparation. You might have a brilliant idea, and you may even be talented, but all these will not substitute your preparedness towards life. You cannot live your life by chance or by sheer luck and expect to make the most out of life. Even if you will experience luck, it will be better it meets you very prepared so it will be fully profitable.

I normally ask people "if what you are wishing for is suddenly delivered to you, how prepared have you gotten yourself to make the most of it?" If you have prepared yourself well, you can make the most out of opportunities. The truth is that a lot of people have so many opportunities staring at them but the only challenge is that they are not prepared for them. In life, what you take out of life is a direct function of how you have prepared for life, which will show in what you have put into life. If you prepare for greatness, then you will receive nothing short of greatness.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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