Make It Work

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

A body remains in its place of rest until work is done on it.

This is one of the laws of Isaac Newton in relation to motion, as I paraphrase. However, even outside the field of physics, the law still holds credence. In life, nothing works until you make it to work. This is why it has been said by many motivational speakers that success is not gotten by accident but by consciously putting in the required actions and work towards it. If something is not working for you, then there must be a reason for it, and you need to find out why. If you do not know why something is not working, you will not know what to do to get it to start working. Remember that your success in life lies exclusively in your actions.


Image from Pexels

A few years back, a friend of mine wrote one particular exam and sadly, he did not pass the exam. The exam was a kind of exam that is written just once a year, so he had to wait till the next year to write it again in order to advance his career. During his preparation for the next year exam, he met a tutor to guide him through a few things. The tutor, before he began, made a few statements to him and told him that "if he does not tell himself the honest truth about the reason that made him to fail initially, the same fate may await him in the next exam."

At that point, he had to look deeply at the cause of what made him to fail even after preparing extensively for it. He discovered that there was a particular document he did not submit and that singular document carries about half of the entire score for the exam. Imagine when he has lost half of the score, what will he write in the exam to make him get the passmark of 50%? It was then that he realized that he was actually the cause of his failure and then he made it right. By the next exam, he wrote it and made it to the top and made a record for himself. All these were possible because he found out what he needed to do and he did it.

In life, to enjoy the benefits of living and achieving your goals, you have to know what to do, but it does not stop there, you have to also do it. You will be surprised that life will not give you what you feel that you deserve, but what you have worked for and demanded through your actions. Of course, in your work place, you are only paid when you have undertaken your tasks, not before it. So when you want success, you have to prove it by working. You do not expect your dreams to be delivered on a platter for you, you should take responsibilities for it and work.

If the good things of life answer to only wishing, then everyone will have whatever they wish for, but it is not so. Everything you want to achieve will definitely have a price tag attached to it. Until you are willing to give yourself to work and take relevant actions towards your goals and dreams, you will not achieve them. A lot of people's goals have gone into obsoletion without being fulfilled, not because they did not dream well nor because their dreams were not potent, but simply because they have refused to put in the required actions in the pursuit of the dream.


Image from Pexels

Over the years, I have learnt a couple of things in life and one of them being that there is nothing that cannot be achieved but only if you can give it the required push. The effort you put into something today is what will determine the outcome tomorrow. Instead of wishing for the future you fantasise about, why not work to achieve it? Everything that you will need to give life a fair shot has already been given to you, but even at that, the onus is laid on you to put actions towards it. Take this instance: time is equally given to all, but it is when you have put actions to utilise your time properly that the benefits will come. Always have at the back of your mind that you are solely responsible for whatever result you see in life - so take actions and make the actions to count.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Good message. I agree that if we want something tomorrow, we have to do something today, no use hoping and doing nothing.

That's right. Thanks a lot buddy

 last year 

Es correcto, todo se logra con esfuerzo y dedicación. Las cosas se obtiene trabajando por lo que queremos. No se consigue de la noche a la mañana sino al contrario, lleva un tiempo obtenerlo. Tienes razón, nuestro éxito depende de nuestras acciones.

Muchas gracias por compartir. Feliz noche 🙏

Gracias amigo

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